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Overriding Parents' Medical Decisions for their Children

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I meant men as in males across all ages, not men as in adult males (to clarify, as I can see how people read men and think adult males). And you agree that 111 to 125 infants circumcised for one reduction in UTI seems to not be worthwhile, and yet you claim the benefits are mostly only found in infants, and then conclude the parents (who lack medical expertise) should be the decision makers. This reminds me of the TedTalk by Iyengar (2010; starts at about 14 minutes, https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/sheena_iyengar_on_the_art_of_choosing#t-830513 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) about choice, and she recounts research in which they tested the coping of American and French parents after deciding whether to remove life support for their just born infant after suffering complications, with the key difference being who decides to remove life support, the American parents, or in France, the doctors make the choice. What they found was that one year after the fact, American parents were coping less well than their French counterparts, which suggests that choosing was detrimental to their health overall. Although the circumstances are different, I relay this as evidence for how/why choices matter, and who is best suited to make choices.

As to HIV transmission, the CPS paper unequivocally states, "There does not appear to be a significant role in decreasing male-to-female transmission in HIV-discordant couples." Further, as cited in Crooks and Baur (2017), Berer and the WHO/UNAIDS echo this (p. 502). So it seems that male circumcision only helps prevent infection, it does not reduce the odds that a male may transmit the HIV virus to their sexual partners (I should add that there is some evidence that while it doesn't reduce all or most STI's, it may reduce infection [not transmission] with HPV or genital herpes).

You seem to really rely on parents having their child's best interests at heart, as well as being rational and well informed. I am not saying that parents don't love their offspring, but rather that parents are not qualified to make medical decisions like circumcision, and further, may not be arriving at their decision for the right reasons (medical vs cultural/historical/religious). If you choose to have your child circumcised to make them like yourself, to have them conform to beauty standards of the time period (honestly penises are kinda ugly if you ask me, vulvae are referred to as flowers and penis are sausages or hot dogs), and to a lesser extent to fulfill religious ideology, I believe you are doing a disservice to your son, and depriving them of their future liberties.

New Reference

Iyengar, S. (presenter). (2010). The art of choosing. [web video file]. Retrieved from https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/sheena_iyengar_on_the_art_of_choosing#t-830513

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Response to Circumcision 3
While you acknowledge that the circumstances are different, I find the comparison between removal of life support and circumcision very unfair because one involves loss of life and as such, the decision and its outcomes cannot sit well with anyone, especially a child’s parents. I believe the decision to remove someone from life support can be easier if the parents do not make the call. However, the issue of circumcision is different because the parents will be responsible for the child until they become adults. It is a decision they can live with as they raise their child. The reason why I prefer parents to decide for their son is that it is clear that even the medical fraternity seems unable to reach a consensus on whether the benefits outweigh the risks, case on point, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CPS. The two groups, however, agree that parents should be involved in the decision-making process. Both groups recommend that parents should decide being provided with the right information by practitioners so that they can also align their decision with their family’s values, culture, and religion. I do not think the culture, religion, and values of a given family about circumcision should be disregarded because they give individuals a sense of identity and belonging. I, therefore, think that the doctors can provide the parents with all the information regarding the risks and benefits of circumcision. This way, they will not be making their decision blindly because they have expert advice.
Further, parents may not be qualified to make medical decisions for their...
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