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1 pages/≈275 words
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 4.32


Essay Instructions:
Think about a past personal experience in which a behavior (either your own or that of someone in your environment) was met with punishment contingencies. First, describe the behavior, explaining whether you think the behavior was a rule-governed or contingency-shaped behavior. Then, explain how either a positive or negative punishment contingency was used and the resultant effect on the problem behavior. Finally, review that same experience from a behavior analytic perspective and discuss whether the use of punishment may or may not have be an appropriate strategy to use. Explain how you might modify the prior approach to decrease the problem behavior using positive punishment, negative punishment, or extinction, being sure to identify how motivating operations and the use of reinforcement would play a role in increasing an alternate behavior.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Understanding and Addressing Procrastination Student Name University Course Professor Name Date Understanding and Addressing Procrastination Looking back on my life, one event that impacted my personality is how I typically assigned myself essential tasks. The conduct in question was my procrastination in studying for tests after being made aware of the negative consequences of poor performance. My procrastination is defined as both rule-governed and contingency-shaped. On the one hand, throughout my academic career, my teachers made me aware of specific directions and the behavioral repercussions they promised to implement. Conversely, I procrastinated until the last minute, partly because it temporarily relieved my burden of having too many assignments. My professors regularly used a negative penalty behavior modification strategy to address this behavior. For example, they penalize late assignments with a particular number of points or perhaps mark tests down if the...
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