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Cognitive Psychology Assignment 6

Essay Instructions:
Cognitive Psychology Assignment 6 Directions Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. . 1. The third major feature of language is pragmatics. Using examples, explain the role of pragmatics in human speech. 2. Describe the pros and cons of different ideas about the origins of language, including the difficulties involved in establishing evidence for any one perspective. 3. Explain the four stages of creativity that are generally recognized by cognitive psychologists. Illustrate each stage based on a single conceivable problem you might like to pursue. (HINT: approach the four stages in groups of two—first and second stages in paragraph 1, and the third and fourth stages in paragraph 2.) 4. In the context of conditional reasoning and cognitive constraints on conditional reasoning, (1.) Define the confirmation bias in general terms, providing salient examples. (2.) Describe and explain the types of belief confirmation related to political climate, again providing relevant examples.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cognitive Psychology Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Cognitive Psychology The Role of Pragmatics in Human Speech Pragmatics are a vital component of human speech bearing the role that they play in contemporary communication. Principally, it is notable that pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that emphasizes the value of context in steering the meaning in communication (Fleming, 2019). Proponents of pragmatics argue that meaning is a versatile prospect that constitutes the setting in which an individual communicates. Beyond the speaker’s intent, the concept of pragmatics extends to the listener’s background, knowledge, and social setting which all contribute to how such an individual understands particular aspects of communication (Eysenck, 2015). The prospect of pragmatics is vital as it outlines why a particular aspect of communication can be rendered relevant in a particular setting when it can be rendered irrelevant in another setting. Multiple examples showcase the application of pragmatics in daily communications. Primarily, pragmatics can be deployed to showcase indirect requests in communication. For example, saying “It is hot in here” could be a pragmatic avenue of requesting another person to activate the air conditioner or to open a window (Fleming, 2019). Pragmatics have also been deployed extensively in sarcasm. For instance, the literal meaning of a sarcastic statement could be opposite to the intended meaning. The tone of voice and context should inform individuals of the actual meanings of what people intend to showcase in their communication. The third area in which pragmatics are employed in communications is within presuppositions. In communication, various statements can imply previous activities or behaviors (Eysenck, 2015). For instance, when one says that “John has finally stopped smoking”, he or she means that John used to smoke. The Pros and Cons of Different Ideas about the Origins of Language The origins of language remain a debatable prospect bearing the multiple inputs that have been geared toward the debate. Throughout the debates, various theoretical frameworks have eme...
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