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Essay Instructions:
For this assignment, you will provide a long-answer essay response to each of the questions below. For each question, you are encouraged to use the peer-reviewed resources provided throughout the units to support your responses. Please do not copy and paste the whole question into the document. Rather, provide the question number (1-4) and a brief heading that correlates with each section of the grading rubric. (Example: 1. Applied Perspectives) Using Figure 1.3 (Improving people’s quality of life from A to Z) in Chapter 1 of Cooper et al. (2020) choose three different areas of practice where applied behavior analysis might be an appropriate and effective approach to improving quality of life in real world settings. For each area chosen, create a brief hypothetical scenario that illustrates a behavior change that would improve quality of life for an individual in a real world setting. For each scenario, use your course resources and readings to develop at least five supporting points that justify your assertion that the scenario represents applying the understanding of the science of human behavior to understand and improve socially significant behaviors in real-world settings. Listen to the scenario: Cindy and the Magician (transcript) and complete the following: Using Behavior Analytic Vocabulary, explain the various characteristics of Respondent Conditioning, identifying specific relationships between stimuli and responses and discussing how the elements of time and environment contribute to an organism’s respondent behavior. Next, explain the process used to reverse an established reflexive stimulus-response relationship. Finally, analyze the scenario and discuss each of the elements of Respondent conditioning that you identify. Using course readings and resources for support, describe and define how the operant conditioning paradigm can influence an organism's behavior. Be sure to reference and describe stimulus response relations and the antecedent-behavior - consequence (three term) contingency. Next, create a hypothetical example that describes a behavioral excess for decrease or a behavioral deficit for increase. In your example, first identify how the behavior may be modified by changing antecedent stimuli. Then, describe how the behavior may be modified by changing consequences. Using Behavior Analytic Vocabulary, explain how Operant Conditioning differs from Respondent Conditioning. Then, explain how different schedules of reinforcement can influence a behavior, with one example for each schedule. Next, choose an example of a behavior and show how each of the five possible differential reinforcement procedures would affect that behavior of an organism. Be sure to discriminate between ‘schedules of reinforcement’ and ‘differential reinforcement.’ Your assignment should be an 8-10 page essay, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements: Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and unit number, and date Body: Answer the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs, using APA format section headings for organization. The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure). Reference Page: Sources in APA format At least four scholarly sources to support the ideas presented Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced Use 7th Edition APA Formatting and Citation style
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Unit 5 Assignment Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Due Date Unit 5 Assignment The primary goal of applied behavior analysis (ABA) is to comprehend behaviors, particularly how the environment impacts them and how learning occurs. Therefore, ABA is about applying general knowledge about behavior in real-life situations. As of this understanding, applying ABA in real-life situations usually involves discouraging undesirable habits and reinforcing positive ones (Fisher et al., 2021). Successful support of positive behaviors and reduction of negative ones is made possible by the fact that ABA applies analytic principles, which are essential in improving the quality of life. Bearing this in mind, the paper will explore the different areas of applied behavior analysis, particularly the principles and applications, such as operant and respondent conditioning, and how they influence people’s behavior. Question 1: Improving Quality of Life in Real World Settings Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Applied behavior analysis can be used in cases where individuals are suffering from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2023) states that individuals with ADHD frequently struggle to focus, control their impulsive behavior, and are likely to be overactive. The condition cannot be cured but can be managed using the right behavioral approach. This approach insinuates that children with ADHD can be assisted using ABA. The benefit of using ABA with this type of condition is that it helps to change the surroundings to improve their ability to focus. A possible case of ADHD is when a child cannot sit in one place in a classroom or has difficulties maintaining an orderly desk. In such a case, if the right behavioral approach is not employed, such a student may bother others since they may keep loitering in the class. According to Pfiffner and Haack (2014), such a student can be helped by applying the three-term contingency to reduce problematic behavior and enhance pro-social tendencies. ABA techniques are best suited in this scenario since they promote preferred behavior and reduce undesirable ones. The behavior of not settling down or the inability to maintain an orderly desk is a precedent for other problems, such as the inability to complete assignments. The first step to helping this child is to utilize operant conditioning techniques. The significance of operant conditioning in such a case is that it helps control the effects. The second step would be to embrace an intermittent reinforcement schedule (INT) to help modify the behavior, particularly reinforcing the desirable conduct (Pfiffner & Haack, 2014). Similarly, a ratio schedule would be appropriate in handling this child’s case of ADHD since it involves reinforcing wanted behaviors after a predetermined number of responses. Successful reinforcement of desired behaviors, such as being orderly, can be achieved by rewarding the child with prolonged recess time. For example, if they can manage to have an order desk for at least three days a week, they will be eligible for extra break time. Extra recess is a positive stimulus since it results in positive reinforcement of the desired behavior. Alcohol Abuse Individuals who abuse alcohol can also benefit from ABA therapy. Primarily, alcohol abuse is an issue of concern because of its repercussions on an individual and society at large. Most people who abuse drugs have difficulties stopping the habit, but with the input of applied behavior analysis therapy, this challenge can be addressed accordingly (Fisher et al., 2021). A hypothetical scenario illustrating the challenges of alcohol abuse is a case where an individual aged 35 years is battling alcohol addiction. The individual has been so addicted to alcohol to the extent that they have lost their job, and every individual effort to quit alcohol has been unsuccessful. Based on this scenario, the individual can be helped by utilizing ABA therapy to remedy substance dependency. The first step in helping this individual is to apply analytic behavior assessment, which will help identify the antecedents and consequences of this individual’s drinking behavior. After identifying the possible causes of this individual’s drinking habits, a therapist can teach him proper coping strategies. The essence of coping strategies is that they will help address the triggers in this individual’s drinking habits, for instance, stress or bad company. The next step is for a therapist to employ positive reinforcement strategies, which will positively influence him to maintain sobriety. Rewarding the person if they can maintain sobriety for at least one week could be considered positive reinforcement. This plan will promote the moderation of substance-dependent behavior and decrease the chance of relapse. Silverman et al. (2008) expound on this by showing that the use of applied behavior analysis when dealing with a person with a substance abuse problem requires the use of evidence-based ABA techniques. The techniques include contingency management, relapse prevention, motivational enhancement, and mindfulness. Autism Spectrum Disorder Individuals with autism spectrum disorder can also be assisted using applied behavior analysis therapy. The National Institute of Mental Health (2024) describes autism as a neurological and developmental illness that has an impact on a person's ability to learn, behave, and socialize. Since the illness usually first appears in the early stages of development, it is frequently classified as a developmental ailment. A hypothetical situation depicting an individual with autism is a case of a body aged seven years old who the parents describe as having problems communicating with others. Also, the body lacks an understanding of social cues, which makes his interaction with others an awkward experience. ABA therapy can be utilized in this case to help the boy improve his communication and social skills (Roane et al., 2016). The first step towards helping this child is for a therapist to perform a functional behavior assessment to determine the specific behaviors needing improvement. The bigger picture regarding how ABA can help the autistic child is that the therapist must collaborate with the parents. Their collaboration will involve preparing a treatment plan, encompassing teaching the child social cues and emotions using strategies such as role-playing and visual aids to reinforce posi...
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