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1 pages/≈275 words
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Essay Instructions:
Begin by describing the three-term contingency, and explain why it is described as the basic unit of analysis for operant behavior. In reviewing the contingencies of reinforcement and punishment, discuss how each set of contingencies has an effect on an individual's behavior. Choose a behavior from your own experience that has been reinforced, and identify whether that behavior was positively or negatively reinforced, outlining the specific three term contingency of that operant behavior. Next, choose a behavior from your own experience that has been punished and identify whether that behavior was positively or negatively punished; outline the specific three term contingency of that operant behavior. Finally, in either of those behaviors, discuss how matching law or schedules of reinforcement may contribute to the maintenance of the behavior under certain circumstances
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date The three-term contingency is an essential concept in the behavior analysis and is used particularly within operant behavior. It comprises three key elements: cause, effect, and impact. Before the behavior comes the antecedent, providing the background but not directly causing it. The behavior will definitely be observable or responsive to the antecedent. Then, the result ensues and either serves as reinforcer or as punisher, depending on how it will influence behavior in the future. This framework helps one see the acquisition, as well as the maintenance and modification, of behaviors through the environmental interactions (Bouton & Balleine, 2019). In addition, reinforcement, the key element of three-term contingency, increases the chance of the future act reoccurrence, whereas punishment reduces it. Reinforcement and punishment can manifest as either positive or negative qualities, depending on the nature of the stimulus (Baron, A., & Galizio, 2005; Bouton & Balleine, 2019; Brewer et al., 2018). Positive r...
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