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Unit 2 Discussion Exceptional Children Needs

Essay Instructions:
Legislation Supporting Students with Disabilities: IDEIA, IEP, and 504 Plans Unit 2 examined important legislation to support students with disabilities. This includes providing free and appropriate education to students with disabilities and suggesting the least restrictive environment. Read the following article and refer to your readings from this week: The difference BETWEEN IEPs and 504 plans. Discuss the components of the IDEIA including FAPE, LRE, Child Find, Procedural Safeguards, and Early Intervention, and how these elements support students with disabilities. Who is eligible for services under IDEIA? What is considered a disability? Provide an example of when a student is in need of an FBA, IEP, and a 504 plan. Be sure to cite your sources and refer to the article readings and textbook for more information.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Unit 2 Discussion Exceptional Children Needs Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor's Name Submission Date IEPs, 504 Plans and the Components of the IDEIA An Individualized Education Program (IEP) provides individualized instruction and other additional services that address the unique requirements of a disability category. In contrast, a 504 plan aims at providing a conducive environment for learning through relevant support and accommodation services. Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) ensures that every child living with a disability enjoys the right to an appropriate educational program that addresses their unique needs and positions them for employment, continuing education, and independent living. The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) ensures that children enjoy the right to an appropriate education setting with necessary aids that facilitate their learning. Child Find requires that all school districts locate and identify all children living with disabilities within their horizon. Procedural safeguards were implemented to ensure that FAPE is observed to the latter (Family Network on Disabiliti...
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