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Understanding Abu Ghraib through Social Psychology Concepts Summary

Essay Instructions:

In 2004 there were allegations of abuse and human rights violations that occurred in the Abu Ghraib prison. There have been many interpretations of what happened, and there are many aspects of Social Psychology that could have been at play in this situation. For this Case Assignment you are to familiarize yourself with three examples of famous social experiments—The Stanford Prison Experiment, Asch’s Conformity Experiment, and the Milgram Obedience Experiment, and apply the concepts and theories associated with one of these to the Abu Ghraib prison situation.

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Case Assignment

Your paper should give a synopsis of the experiment you chose to use, and you need to explain how it is similar to what took place at Abu Graib, and what Social Psychology factors and theories you felt were involved. You should also comment on what has been done or might be done to prevent this from occurring again.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length, should include 4-6 references, and should be in APA format.

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Understanding Abu Ghraib through Social Psychology Concepts
The inhumanities at Abu Graib prison was considered legal by the U.S. Government. Fair, one of the leaders of the horrors at Abu Graib was the one who perpetuated some of the most gruesome activities that involved prisoners. One of the methods used to extract information from the prisoners were sleep deprivation and extreme stress induction. The few of the arrested US forces admitted to how they have instilled physical, mental and emotional damage to the prisoners. They know that they have done terrible things, but not all who were responsible have been apprehended. Fair was one of the interrogators in the prison facilities of Abu graib and Fallujah. He works under a private company that has connections with US military.
The Abu Graib prison can be explained by different psychological theories and social researches. These experiments reveal certain tendencies and dark manifestations of the human psyche, and how humans are swayed in their decision making. One of the important researchers done that is related to this topic is Milgram’s research. The social scientist’s quote “
"The social psychology of this century reveals a major lesson: often it is not so much the kind of person a man is as the kind of situation in which he finds himself that determines how he will act." - Stanley Milgram, 1974
Milgram’s theory posits that people act according to societal pressures and expectations. He highlights the power of authority to pressure others into doing a cruel bidding. His example was Adolph Eichmann, who stated that he was merely following orders when he ordered the execution of many Jews. MIdred’s book, Obedience to Authority reveals certain tendencies of human to follow the powerful and charismatic leaders and other influential people.
Milgram’s experiment basically participants with different roles. Milgram sought to answer whether an individual can be swayed to do harsh decisions, such as initiating a strong electric shock to stranger participants within an experimental and formal setting. An accomplice acted to be shocked and in pain, while the unknowing participant is coaxed by the experimenter to go on and press the button that would deliver strong electric shock.
Most participants asked the experimenter whether they should continue. The experimenter issued a series of commands to prod the participant along:
"Please continue."
"The experiment requires that you continue."
"It is absolutely essential that you continue."
"You have no other choice; you must go on."
Milgram’s finding was that most were willing to press the button that would hurt another human being when they were encouraged and permitted by an authority figure. The Abu Ghraib prison could have this type of dynamics. Some of the soldiers were merely going along the orders of their higher command. Some few who are really cruel and sadistic and have a seat in power could have propagated the inhumane doings. The victims of Abu Ghraib prison have spoken up about a few leading men who are notorious for their torture process and sadistic intentions. Since the military had a legal permission from their government, they abused this power into expressing gruesome acts that humiliated and hurt other human beings, in the intention and belief that it was necessary to extract crucial information for the US-Middle East occupation.
Another important research that provides crucial information for the Abu Ghraib ...
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