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Academic Goals: Locating and Identifying Articles and Using Peer-Reviewed Sources

Essay Instructions:

Hello-work has 3 parts-Part 1-chose one article from school side and one from internet and elaborate about them, instruction later on. When you done with it I will uploaded them to the grammary side and turnition -part 2 and the last i will back to you with all this so you can coper what did you wrote and what system said. Follow by the rubrics to pass.

Here is overview:


For this Performance Task, you will identify and locate articles of your choosing relevant to your area of specialization to better understand whether an article is scholarly or not. Your paper will be a 1-page expository paper that follows proper APA format and style, followed by 1–2 pages analyzing the Turnitin report and how to avoid plagiarism. It is highly suggested you submit your paper to the Walden Writing Center for review before the final submission of your Assessment.

Professional Skills: Professional Skill of Written Communication is assessed in this Competency. To make certain you are addressing all aspects of the Professional Skill, please review the Rubric to determine what is necessary for meeting the requirements. Visit the Professional Skills resources, as needed.

Your response to this Performance Task should:

o Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric

o Adhere to the required length.

o Submit your paper to Grammarly

o Consider submitting a draft of your paper to the Writing Center

o Use the APA Course Paper template

This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document that includes your critical analysis of a research article of your choosing. Save this file as GS002_final_firstinitial_lastname (for example, GS002_final_J_Smith).

When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.


Locating and Identifying Articles

• Locate two online articles that are relevant to your area of specialization: one article found using a general Internet search and another peer-reviewed article found within the Walden Library databases. (Note: Module 1 provided you with sources to help with how to complete your search.)

• Reflect on the sources of both articles, using the questions provided to determine if one or both articles are scholarly.

o Would this author have a reason for bias?

o Is this source old, or is it up to date (i.e., published within the past 5 years)?

o Is the source peer-reviewed? (Do other researchers regard it as trustworthy; did they read it in order for it to be published, or is it an opinion piece?)

o Does this source cite other scholarly references?

Assessment (2–3 pages excluding title and reference page)

Part 1 (1 page)

• Provide a brief description of the articles related to your area of specialization that you found. (1 paragraph for each article)

• For each article, explain how you can tell whether the article is from a scholarly or a non-scholarly source.

• Explain why it is important to use peer-reviewed sources in your scholarly writing. Be sure to provide the URL for each article selected so they can be located readily.

Part 2

Once you complete the draft of your Part 1 of this Assessment, complete the following:

• Submit your draft to Grammarly to check your grammar, spelling, and mechanics.

• Submit your writing to the GS002 Assessment: Part 2 (Not final submission) Turnitin link.

• Access the draft of your writing from Turnitin.

• Review the Similarity Index and the Match Overview. Review the matches in detail and consider the changes you would need to make to your writing.

Part 3 (1–2 additional pages)

Describe the Turnitin report for Part 1:

• Provide the Similarity Index.

• List the source that constituted the highest match with your written work.

• Explain why a high Similarity Index might not necessarily indicate plagiarism and why a low Similarity Index does not necessarily indicate a lack of plagiarism.

• Based on the review of your Grammarly feedback and Turnitin Report, what changes would you make to your paper?

• Explain how you would use Turnitin in the future to minimize issues with plagiarism.

• Once you complete the analysis of your Turnitin Report, make any desired edits to Part 1 and submit the final draft of your Performance Task Assessment, including the written Parts 1 and 3.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Academic goals
Institutional Affiliation
Course name & number
Due date
Part 1
The article, “Impact of manager’s psychological contract breach on firm operation: A case study of a German auto-parts subsidiary in Suzhou China (Mackrell & Berberich, 2018, Oct, pp. 147),” is a case study about the impact of psychological contracts line managers have with their employees. According to the article, psychological contracts are the expectations employees develop, and failure by a line manager to manage these expectations results in a psychological contract breach. The study aimed at establishing how line manager psychological contracts developed, the influence of psychological contracts by their organization and implications to the organization (Mackrell & Berberich, 2018, Oct, pp. 148). The study utilized an in-depth case study undertaken for six months that used semi-structured interviews, observation and documentary study with eleven managers and two interns to collect data. It concluded that the psychological contracts that a line manager has can result in grave, adverse and compounding effects on an organization’s performances if not observed. The topic is relevant to my field of operation manager, as it offers me managerial practices, such as psychological contract and how their fulfillment influences employees’ optimal performance.
Article 2, “Operationalizing learning from rare events: framework for middle humanitarian operations managers (Labib, Hadleigh‐Dunn, Mahfouz & Gentile, 2019, pp. 2324),” discusses how learning through events such as disasters challenges the objective of learning through experience as organizations fail to interpret the information and learn from such rare events; thus, no change occurs. It outlines that organization managers can learn from disasters through information sharing or observation, exchanging information on disaster interpretation, and observing the effects of the disaster. The article used previous research and two case studies to determine whether learning occurred between the two disasters, namely the Vajon Disaster of 1963 and the Stave Disaster in 1985 Italy. The study concluded that low reliability by managers could result in the occurrence of a similar failure. The topic is relevant to my operation manager’s job as it demonstrates the various ways I can learn about a problem and how failure to learn from a first challenge can result in more challenges.
Article one is not scholarly as it does not comprise all the characteristics of an academic article. While the authors’ names who are expert researchers are available in this article as in a scholarly article, the conference paper is published in an academic conference and publishing limited, which is not an academic journal. An academic paper is not reviewed by other experts or evaluated for originality; thus, its information cannot be considered peer-reviewed. Additionally, its utilization of standard language instead of specialized language to discuss the topic and the research findings makes it a non-scholarly article.
Article two is scholarly as it is published in the Production and Operations Management journal, a peer-reviewed journal according to the journal website. It comprises expert authors’ names such as Ashraf Labib, Amr Mahfouz and Marco Gentile, educational experts at Portsmouth Business School and Dublin Institute of Technology. The presence of an abstract that summarizes the content of the study, the methodology used, and t...
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