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U-6 Diss RM

Essay Instructions:
There are many different factors to consider when looking at the format of surveys and analyzing survey results. For example, the sampling method used can affect the conclusions that can be drawn from survey results. Additionally, if a survey item is leading, is unclearly worded, has overlapping answer choices, or does not include enough of a range of response options, survey takers may not be able to answer accurately. Additionally, if the survey respondents think certain responses may make them "look bad," they may be less likely to answer honestly. For example, people tend to underreport how often they eat junk food or lose their temper and overreport how often they do kind things for others and eat vegetables. This week, you should take the surveys that were created by each team. You should pick one of the surveys that you took and answer the following questions. Please respond to the following: Which survey are you focusing on for this discussion? What did you like about this survey? Were there any survey items that were unclear or confusing, or that seemed unnecessary to include? Why or why not? What additional survey item(s) could be useful for assessing the topic, if the survey were to be longer? If the survey had been administered in a different format (e.g., mail, phone, in person), how might this have affected the survey results? What sampling was used for this survey? Describe limitations associated with this. How could the results of this survey be useful? Work-Life Balance Questionnaire The purpose of this questionnaire is to help indicate if you have a healthy work-life balance. You will complete multiple responses about various facets of your life. Please take your time and answer as truthfully as possible. Randomly answering questions or not reading questions entirely will invalidate your results. 1) Do you currently work full time? I work full time at work* I work full time at school I work full time at both work and school I do not work full time at work or school 2) I make time for hobbies and to unwind. Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 3) I have time for my friends and family. Completely Agree* Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 4) I remember to eat throughout the day, despite how chaotic my schedule becomes. Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 5) I make my health a priority over school and work. Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 6) I don't work beyond my scheduled hours. Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 7) I don't answer work calls or emails during my personal time. Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 8) I don't miss important events due to school or work. Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 9) I make time for self care each day. Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 10) I don't use my days off for school or work. Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 11) I am satisfied with my work-life balance Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 12) I feel in control of my time Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 13) My family and friends think I have a healthy work-life balance Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 14) I don't feel stressed about the amount of work I have each week Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 15) I often feel well rested Completely Agree * Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reflecting “Work-Life Balance Survey” Name Institution Course and Code Professor Date Reflecting “Work-Life Balance Survey” The survey I am focusing on is the “Work-Life Balance Questionnaire,” which is used to determine whether a person has a healthy work-life balance. The primary thing I like about this survey is that the questions are precise and concise. In addition, the survey emphasizes how individuals use their time during work and when not working to determine work-life balance, which is something else I like (“Work-Life Balance Questionnaire,” n.d.). Question 4 of the survey is unclear since a person cannot eat throughout the day. Notably, question 5 is not necessary. Instead of asking participants whether health is a priority over work and school, it would be better to ask them about their activities (Krosnick, 2017). That way, it becomes possible to know those who en...
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