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Theories of Intelligence

Essay Instructions:

This week, you were introduced to a variety of theories of intelligence, including:

Spearman's two-factor theory (1927).

Cattell-Horn's two-factor theory (1966).

Luria's information processing approach (1966).

Cattell-Horn and Carroll's CHC model (1997).

Carroll's three-stratum theory (1997).

In your discussion post for this week, follow the guidelines below:

Describe how these theories differ in regard to the ever-reversing role of the general intellectual ability factor (g).

Explain how these theories are relied upon in each of the following current tests that you also read about this week. Please note that some of these tests may now rely on more than one theory, or a theory different than the original versions of the same test. Subsequently, you will need to address such multiple contributions and only for the versions listed below (for example, fifth edition).

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, fourth and fifth editions.

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, second edition.

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, fifth edition.

Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities, third or fourth editions.

Explain your thoughts regarding an intelligence test that has a dual theoretical basis, based on your readings and review of the theoretical influences on these tests. Explain your position by including consideration of validity.

Explain which theory of intelligence you find yourself most affiliated within the context of your professional goals.

Explain how your selected theoretical model aligns with your interests and career.

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Theories of Intelligence
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Theories of Intelligence
There are differences among the theories of intelligence regarding how important the general intellectual ability factor is. According to Spearman's two-factor theory (1927), intelligence comprises two elements, g and s, with g being the most significant (Koncar et al., 2021). The two-factor approach proposed by Cattell-Horn in 1966 acknowledges the existence of g but focuses more on particular cognitive skills, such as linguistic and mathematical aptitude.
Luria's information processing theory (1966) defines intelligence as the capacity to process information and perform tasks, emphasizing the maturation of certain cognitive processes. The CHC model by Cattell-Horn and Carroll (1997) adopts a hierarchical approach, with g at the top, followed by general abilities like knowledge and flexible reasoning, and then by more specialized abilities like verbal comprehension and mathematical operations (Borsboom et al., 2021). Similarly, Carroll's three-stratum hypothesis (1997) places g at the top of the intelligence hierarchy, followed by wide and narrow talents.
The fourth and fifth versions of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) are based on both Spearman and Cattell-Horn's theories. WISC is used to examine general and particular cognitive abilities, focusing on general abilities, in children between the ages of 6 and 16 (Borsboom et al., 2021). The second edition of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC), which focuses on evaluating particular cognitive functions like attention, memory, and problem-solving, is based on Luria's information processing paradigm.
The fifth edition of the Stanford-Binet intelligence scales is based on the Cattell-Horn and Carroll (CHC) model and the Spearman model. The Stanford-Binet tests general intelligence and particular skills, focusing on g. Based on the CHC paradigm, the third or fourth editions of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ) examine both general and specialized cognitive abilities.
The dual theoretical foundation of an intelligence test is both a benefit and a drawback. On the one hand, using a variety of theories can give a more thorough evaluation of a person's skills. However, because multiple theories may combine to produce contradictory findings, the test's validity may be called into doubt (Borsboom et al., 2021). It is crucial that the test explicitly outlines the theoretical underpinnings and how the result...
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