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The Personality of Individuals

Essay Instructions:


I would love to work on Self -Reflection Essay

The Google sites for my project will be from:


-Practical Psychology

-Google scholar

-Psyche central

I will be reflecting on the topics Sleep, Dreams and Personality and what informed our personality. I will also talk about the three perspectives of personality and how these perspectives are related and associated to our personalities. The Psychological concepts that I would include are:

Psychodynamic Perspective

Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory

Humanistic Perspectives.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Personality of Individuals
According to Shafiei (2019), dreams and sleep play a crucial role in informing the personality of individuals. The amount of sleep a person gets each day significantly impacts their daily routine and how they interact with others. Good sleepers experience noticeable changes in emotion throughout the day, both when awake and when dreaming (Shafiei, 2019). However, poor sleepers are said to have equally intense positive and negative emotions during wakefulness and when dreaming. Thus, an individual's personality, how they act when awake, and even what they dream of is partly influenced by their sleep quality.
Additionally, individuals with an intuitive personality tend to have a greater ability to remember their dreams. Most of them need to make sense of the dream, which highly contributes to their ability to recall it. Furthermore, individuals with a Sentinel personality are more likely not to recall their dreams because they are more comfortable with concrete facts than abstractions (Shafiei, 2019). Also, when an individual is deprived of sleep, their emotions when awake are affected, which may significantly inform their personality. Therefore, there is a correlation between an individual's personality, sleep, and the dreams they experience.
The three perspectives of personality
According to the psychodynamic perspective, how individuals behave and feel is significantly impacted by their unconscious motives. As a result, the primary source of an individual's personality and how they act is their unconscious mind. Individuals' personality is also greatly influenced by their early childhood experiences (Luyten, 2022). Consequently, past experiences stored in the unconscious part of the human mind tend to influence people's motives and feelings. As a result, the unconscious feelings of individuals are transferred to our conscious parts of the mind, and this shapes how they act. Thus, a human personality is highly influenced by childhood experiences.
Secondly, according to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, an individual's personality is highly influenced by interactio...
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