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General Psychology Paper Subjective Experience Of Acute Or Chronic Pain

Essay Instructions:

One of psychology's claims to fame is that psychological information can be applied to better 
understand and help people's everyday lives. For this paper, you will have the opportunity to explore a topic in psychology that has such implications, research it in more detail, and consider how this information can be applied.
(1)Please choose one topic from the list below.
Each topic is based on material discussed in the 
respective modules.
(2)Research your topic. Start by reading the module content and note any references in the 
module. Then, find websites, articles, and/or books on your topic. Your research must include at 
least 2 articles or books. That is, websites can be very helpful and informative, but your final 
paper must include full articles (whether from the internet or elsewhere) 
or books on the topic. Sources should be reputable and consistent with what you learned in the module as well as other sources. GoogleScholar and PDF articles from the internet can be helpful resources. 
Tips for finding sources: 
(a)A Google search can be a
helpful way to start. You can then see the scope and type of 
information available. After you've read up on the topic, you can then search more 
academic sources such as through GoogleScholar or academic websites (such as hospitals 
and research institutions) that might have articles and reports available. 
(b)Each topic on the list doeshave information that you can find online as well as in print. If, 
for whatever reason, you have trouble locating this information, you may want to switch 
(c)Make sure you use good search terms when trying to find articles. You may want to start 
broad (for example, “Bystander effect”) and then narrow to your particular area. 
(3)Each topic has an application component. Some suggestions for application can be researched, 
but you will also need to come up with your own ideas. You may want to jot down notes as you 
research your topic so that you can come to your own conclusions.

(4)Write the paper. Be sure to include all components from the questions above for your topic. The 
paper should be written in essay format (not an outline), in 12-point font, and double
-spaced. Be sure to edit carefully before submitting the paper. Here is the format for writing the paper:

I. Introduction. Introduce your topic and explain why this topic was of interest to you. 

II. Body of paper. Fully address your topic and all the components of it. Support your points with 
your cited research. The topic should be explained in full. This section should be at least 3 pages 

III. Application. Discuss your topic's application component. Be sure to mention what 
applications are recommended by others and what you recommend. You must include your own 
views about what the application should be, and clearly state them and why. This section should
be at least 1-2 pages

IV. Conclusion. Conclude your topic with a wrap-up paragraph. Some suggestions for a good 
conclusion: a) End by summarizing what was learned about this topic; b) End by emphasizing a 
particular application of the information; c) End by suggesting where future research and 
discussion should go on this topic.

Sensation and Thresholds(This is module 3 topic)

From Module 3
This going to be the essay title (The subjective experience of acute or chronic pain). (What factors influence how someone 
experiences pain? How can this 
knowledge be applied to help quality of life?)

This article is from the module 3 lesson also you can use it as references
C. Other Senses

Here is a quick overview of the remaining senses.
Sense Sense Organ Description
1. Skin Senses Skin Skin is especially sensitive on your face and hands. Touch stimulates nerves, which sends information to brain.
2. Olfaction (Smell) Nose Odors stimulate nose hairs, which then send electric information to the brain. Olfaction is very powerfully linked to memory.
3. Gustation (taste) Tongue Food stimulates taste buds on tongue, and information is sent to the brain's parietal lobe.
4. Pain All over the body Specialized pain receptors are set throughout body, and these send alarm messages to brain.
5. Kinesthetic (body position in regard to other body parts) Receptors in joints, muscles, tendons Moving one's arms or legs, for example, sends messages to the brain so that you have knowledge of what certain parts of your body are doing relative to other parts.
6. Vestibular (body position in regard to gravity) Inner ear Movement in the cochlea's fluid communicates important information to the brain regarding body position and orientation.

A special section needs to be reserved for the sensation of pain, which is a psychologically complex phenomenon. Pain can be either Acute or Chronic. These terms do not communicate anything about the intensity of pain, since they both can be intense. However, they tell you about the duration of the pain. Acute pain is sharp and sudden, while chronic pain keeps lingering.

Pain is surprisingly difficult to understand and explain, since the same experience can be extremely painful for some and not for others. One theory of pain is Melzack and Wall's Gate-Control theory (1965) that states that our spinal cord has a “gate” that can block pain. Pain can occur in the presence or absence of actual physical cause. Certain pain signals (on larger nerves) are let in, while the smaller ones are not permitted through this so-called gate.


Green, D. M. & Swets, J. A. (1966/1974). Signal detection theory and psychophysics
(A reprint, with corrections of the original 1966 ed.). Huntington, NY: Robert E.
Krieger Publishing Company.

James, W. (1890). Principles of Psychology. Retrieved from

This is how you are going to write the paper.

How to Make an APA-Style Reference Page 
a.Make the Reference page your last page of your paper. It should be on its own, stand-alone page. Center the word, References, at the top of the page. 

b.Every source on the reference page should appear in your paper in a parenthetical citation.

c.Sources should be alphabetized by the author's last name. If there is no author, it is 
alphabetized by the company or organization or institution that put out the article.

d.The general format for all sources is: Author's last name, first and middle initials, year, 
title, additional information relevant to the specific source.

e.APA style. Here is the APA format for the most likely types of sources you'll have. 
Books: Note that only the first word is capitalized unless the word is a proper noun or acronym. Books also need the publisher and city in which it was published. The book title is italicized.
Wilsey, S. A. (2015). Using APA style. 
Pittsburgh: Emergent Press.
Articles: Again, only the first word of the title is capitalize

d. The title is not italicized, but the journal name is. The first number after the journal name is the volume number, followed by the page numbers of the specific article. This example also shows you how to cite two authors. Wilsey, S. A., & Penne, P. (2015). Writing using APA style. 
Journal of Good Ideas, 2, 10-20. 

Articles retrieved online: Whether or not the article or source has a print publication, if you retrieved it online, you should cite it differently. The same article listed above, if retrieved online, should be cited as:Wilsey, S. A., & Penne, P. (2015). 
Writing using APA style. Retrieved from http://www(dot)madeupthisurl(dot)com
If the online source is not an article but is instead a website, the article's title is listed first, followed by the name of the website. 
The URL is still needed: Wilsey, S. A., & Penne, P. (2015). 

Five tips on using 
APA style. 
APA Tips. 
Retrieved from 
a.Word can do your reference page formatting for you: 
https://support(dot)office(dot)com/en-nz/article/APA-MLA-Chicago-%E2%80%93-automatically-format bibliographies-405c207c-7070-42fa-91e7-eaf064b14dbb?ui=en-US&rs=en-NZ&ad=NZ
b.The OWL at Purdue is a great website for APA style: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/3/

Please,as usual make sure this paper is free form plagiarism and you follow the instruction Very well.Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Subjective experience of acute or chronic pain
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
The Subjective experience of acute or chronic pain
Commonly we analyze pain from either the structural or functional perspective. However, it is uncommon to thick of pain from the psychological aspect, which is important. Thinking of pain from the psychological perspectives implies to establishing the effect of symptoms and conditions on people’s mental and emotional states and the role of the mind during the pain period. The mind has the capabilities of determining the intensity, frequency and duration an individual experiences pain.
The principle of “treating the whole person” involves acknowledging and understanding that there is a connection of all the aspects of a person and it is important to consider the whole system than just parts of it (Gorczyca, Filip, & Walczak, 2013). The available literature on pain demonstrates that the thoughts and emotions of a person plays a significant role in pain manifestation and management. Various psychological states such as depression and pain catastrophizing may worsen pain and decrease the effectiveness of any treatment method. Therefore, addressing pain from a psychological perspective through cognitive behavioral applications in combination with naturopathic strategies is equally essential in managing pain.
It is always believed that only a specific organ is affected by a condition, but that is not the case, it affects the whole person. The health status of an individual results from a complex interaction of all aspects of an individual (individual life and environment). The various aspects of a person (functional, spiritual, psychological and structural) making an inseparable system which is interconnected and interdependent with the whole environment (Lloyd 2009). Therefore, any form of pain affects all the levels of being.
An individual’s structural aspect is the order of the physical elements of the body. Alignment of the structure ensures that there is harmonious interaction of all components of the body including the weight distribution, unimpeded body fluid flow and cellular communication. Any issue concerning the structural alignment of the body resulting from either falls, poor posture, injuries or any underlying conditions such as arthritis also affects other layers of the body (Lloyd 2009). Taking arthritis as an example, there are various functional responses involved such as pain and inflammation. Additionally, there are various psychological responses involved as well such depression, frustration and even anxiety.
An individual’s functional aspect is concerned with how the body works. It is concerned with the digestive, respiratory, immune, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and nervous systems. This is inclusive of the tissues, inner organs body fluids and glands. In general it encompasses the working process of the whole components of the body. The psychological and structural aspects of the body are able to affect the functional ability of the body and in return, it is capable of affecting theirs (Lloyd 2009). Throughout history, an individual’s functional aspect has been the focus of conventional medicine because it is easy to study and analyze. Due to technological advancements, various tools such as radiographs, ultrasounds, magnetic resonance imaging scans and laboratory testing help doctors to understand what is happening at the organ system, cellular and physiological levels (Lloyd, 2013). Assessing the functional aspect of people reveals their health status and disease progression, but they do not reveal anything about their mental or emotional status especially when they are in chronic pain.
Individuals’ psychological aspects encompasses their emotions and thoughts. It relates to how people perceive themselves and the environment as well as how they interact with it. In general, the psychological aspect diffuses the whole person and has the ability of influencing both structural and functional aspects. The psychological is influenced by an individual’s experiences, environment and health status. The unconscious element of an individual’s psychological aspect holds people’s strong beliefs that shape their lives, filters and assesses the effect and importance of various events. The conscious element encompasses the thoughts and emotions that an individual is aware of (Lloyd 2009). It enables a person to perceive and be aware of various symptoms such as pain. Additionally, it enables individuals to be aware of the thoughts and emotions they have about their symptoms (Goodale & Milner, 2013). The expressive element encompasses how people communicates their perceptions, emotions, thoughts and sensations. This depends on their perception of whether they have been heard or understood. This implies that the psychological status of an individual is great when its components are in harmony.
Pain Catastrophizing
This refers to an exaggerated negative response to actual pain. Quartana, Campbell and Edwards (2009), defines catastrophizing as “the tendency to magnify or exaggerate the threat value or seriousness of pain sensations … to feel helpless in the context of pain, and (to be unable) to inhibit pain related thoughts in anticipation of, during or following a painful encounter” (in Lloyd, 2013) For individuals who have chronic pain or do not have any pain, pain cat...
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