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Stress and its Effects

Essay Instructions:

Please read instructions and MUST watch video attached!

Recall the video from your Module 1 Case Assignment on how stress affects the brain. Stress not only affects the structure and function of the brain, but its genetic makeup as well. In this module you were introduced to the various effects stress has on each body system, including the reproductive system. New research suggests that experiencing intense psychological trauma may have a genetic impact on a person’s future children. In the following video, Dr. Rachel Yehuda studied the genetic effects in a population of Holocaust survivors and found variations from the norm in both generations for the gene associated with depression and anxiety disorders. The findings imply that children of individuals who experience profound stress in life may be more likely to develop stress or anxiety disorders themselves.


Can Trauma Be Passed to the Next Generation Through DNA? PBS Learning Media. Accessed at https://www(dot)pbslearningmedia(dot)org/resource/e9a3377e-ef0d-4815-8f25-166daa4d3114/can-trauma-be-passed-to-the-next-generation-through-dna/#.WZeOTNGQyM8

Answer the following questions in essay format. For additional details, see the Case Assignment directions below.

How does experiencing trauma affect a person’s life?

Describe the term epigenetics. How does stress play a role in epigenetics?

Describe an event in history that could have caused stress-related changes to the next generation (some examples include the Holocaust, 9-11 terrorist attack, the Dutch famine of 1944). Include the disorders these children experienced (such as anxiety, depression, mental disorders, etc).

Why might it be helpful to know how children will be affected by trauma their parents experienced?

What kinds of events going on in the world right now could be producing similar effects in future generations?

Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Effects of Trauma.

Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question. Be sure to use APA formatting throughout your essay with 1-inch margins, 12-pt font, and double spacing throughout. Include a title page, introduction, answers to the questions with subtitles, and concluding paragraph. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay referencing your resources (i.e., Murray, 2014). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all required readings and any additional resources you used to complete your essay. A helpful guide to writing a quality essay can be found on your TLC Home Page under FAQ/Writing Tips/Student Guide to Writing a High Quality Academic Paper. This guide also provides links to example essays written using APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Stress and Illness
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Stress and Illness
Psychological trauma refers to the mental reactions to disturbing or distressing events. These reactions may range from feelings of helplessness, shock, and being overwhelmed. Traumatizing events include natural disasters, accidents, violence, severe illness, and rape. This condition may be a one-time experience, ongoing, or long-term. It may also be chronic, acute, or complex based on scope. The effects likewise range in severity from short-term to long-term. This paper will analyze trauma, its impacts on an individual and their offspring based on genetics.
Effects of Trauma
The immediate reactions to trauma may include confusion, exhaustion, sadness, dissociation, numbness, and anxiety. These are normal on an initial traumatic experience and are prevalent on almost all survivors of the stressful events. However, some people have more severe responses, including persistent intrusive recollections even on return to safety, severe dissociation, and continuous distress without a moment of calmness or rest. Delayed reactions to trauma may involve sleep disorders, acute fatigue, nightmares, depression, flashback anxiety, and fear of recurrence. A victim may also avoid any activity or sensation linked to the trauma. In the long term, a victim may develop suicidal feelings, practice self-harm, and develop drug addiction to deal with the condition. These outcomes, however, differ from person to person as individuals handle their emotional distress differently.
Stress and Epigenetics
Epigenetics refers to the study of heritable changes in gene expression caused by activation and deactivation of genes without altering the underlying DNA sequence. Stress leads to DNA modifications in the brain hence may result in neurological disorders (Lehrner & Yehuda, 2018). During terrible events, the body produces hormones called glucocorticoids that affect many body systems. These effects are intervened by the (HPA); hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenal axis. In the case of a trauma survivor, a modification of a glucocorticoid receptor gene Nr3c1 has been observed( Lehrner & Yehuda, 2018). An initial link between genetics, chronic stress, and mental illness was observed in mice. The mice exposed to chronic stress had gene changes over time, while the genes remained constant for those in normal condition. The modified genes were those related to mental stability and illnesses. Similar DNA alterations have also been observed in the brains of depression victims who committed suicide.
Historical Stressful Event Analysis; The Dutch Famine (1944)
The Dutch famine occurred in the German-occupied Netherlands during the 1944-1945 winter towards the Second World War (Grażyna & Miroslav, 2020). The Dutch supported Allied Forces with the hope that a strike would stop the transport of German troops. This, however, was a big fail that earned the Netherlands severe punishment. A German ...
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