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Factor Analysis of Traits

Essay Instructions:


In this exercise, you will perform a non-mathematical factor analysis of people’s personality traits.

This is a simulation of what scientists do (with computers, numbers, and math) to come up with a

bunch of traits that do not correlate with one another. Factor analysis is how psychologists came

up with the “big five” of traits.

The traits should be “enduring characteristics that describe” that person and while a person does

not need to always display that trait, the trait applies to him/her most of the time. For example,

you may have the trait of extraversion, but don’t act like an extrovert all of the time.


For this assignment, you will:

• Download and use the form entitled “trait worksheet” for this exercise. ( I uploaded the sheet)

• Choose seven people you know and write five traits that describe their personalities.

1) Ayanna introvert, chill, generous, soulful, and reserved.

2) Heron introvert, quite, reserved, chill, and boring.

3) Ari introvert, pleasant, quite, chill and reserved.

4) My dad introvert, grumpy, quite, reserved and like being by himself.

5) My mom an extrovert, friendly, generous, outing, and fun.

6) My sister an extrovert, planner, outing, friendly and thriller.

7) My self an extrovert, planner, outing, friendly. But also an introvert at time, quiet, reserved and home body.

• Cut out the traits into little cards.

o You will have a total of 35 cards.

o Some traits will be duplicated so you will have about 10-15 different cards.

• Combine the cards into categories.

o For example, “friendly” and “outgoing” are similar, can be grouped together, and if you

had 15 different traits in the first part, you now have 14 traits.

o Continue this exercise until you can’t combine the traits anymore.

• How many piles of traits do you have? Come up with a name for each pile.

o For example, if you had a pile with “friendly” “outgoing” and “gregarious” you might call

this pile “friendly” or “social.” There is no one correct name; however, it should describe

all traits in the pile.

• Write a few paragraphs describing the traits.

o Compare the traits you had at the beginning and how they changed by grouping them

into categories.

o Explain the piles you created and how you named them.

o Give an opinion about how accurate this method is at coming up with a list of traits you

chose. What do you think might make it more accurate?


• Incorporate all ideas into your own words.

• Complete your work in a Microsoft Word document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Factor Analysis of Traits
Student’s Name
Factor Analysis of Traits

He likes making prior arrangements to avoid last-minute rushes.

Ayana is always accountable for everything that he does. He avoids blaming people for any misfortune or failure.

He is one of the few friends I know, who believe that hard work can beat talent.

Effective and reliable.
Ayana feels frustrated when he fails to provide help to anyone who seeks his attention. He always does all that it takes to avoid failing his peers.

He is always sure of his decision. He manifests confidence in his actions irrespective of how challenging a task may seem to be.


Heron is a very careful person. He would rather delay making haste decisions to avoid later regrets in life.

Creative and innovative.
He can improvise anything from used materials. He never discards materials because he believes in reusing them.

Knowledgeable and intelligence.
Heron is a one person who is always updated on current events. He likes doing serious research on world major activities, both the recent and the past events.

He avoids being extravagance when doing purchases. He likes accounting for every penny he spends.

He has high respect for public reputation.


Predicting her character is not always a walk in the park. She can be laughing this minute and in the next minute becomes very bored.

She does not trust anyone with her top secrets. She rarely asks for information from others neither.

She believes in the practicability rather than the theories. She is one person who would trust you after proving yourself and...
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