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Similarities and Differences of Chosen Self-Help Groups

Essay Instructions:

Please complete the experiential learning activity below to gain a better understanding about the culture of self-help groups and how they can be utilized to treat addictive disorders. After completing the experiential learning activity, please share your experience by providing a reflection to the following three questions using course material (attached separately):
• What was the "culture" of the groups that you attended (what stood out, any traditions, ways of speaking, organization of group meeting, etc.)
• What comparisons did you make, either similar or different, from what you learned in the module course material?
• Based on your experience attending a self-help group and your module readings, do you believe that self-help groups are an effective form of treatment? Provide justification for your response.
**Course material attached. *No cover page needed.
The following link provides you with one potential website option for online self-help group participation for the experiential learning activity. Please select 2 to 3 OTHER online self-help groups to sit in on (you are free to choose some online groups).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1 What was the “culture” of the groups you attended (what stood out, traditions, ways of speaking, organization or group meeting, etc.)?
Daily Strength, 7 Cups of Tea, and SMART Recovery are the three support groups. These three had various similarities and a few differences. The similarities include the feeling of commonality, where the support groups make the members think and feel that they are not the only ones experiencing the situation because many others in the same position had mustered all the courage to seek help. Another similarity is the recognition of the positive and negative aspects, with the former being identified first before the latter. It allows the members to view their condition with advantages and disadvantages rather than the latter. From a personal perspective, the act is significant because some members tend to quit when the negative aspects are mentioned without recognizing their good sides (Daily Strength, 2022; 7 Cups of Tea, 2022; SMART Recovery, 2022).
The differences can be observed based on each website’s unique features. Daily Strength (2022) has the specific disorders or diseases that the group targets to ensure that the plan of care is individualized with the need of the members. Moreover, there are subgroups in each significant category. For instance, the addiction and recovery category has 14 subgroups, including alcoholism, smoking, codependency, gambling, sex and pornography, food, prescription and synthetic drug abuse, marijuana, and cocaine addiction, respectively.
7 Cups of Tea (2022) offers a different thread that mimics a social media platform, specifically Twitter. Moreover, it has volunteer listeners who provide ice breakers and a one-on-one approach. Lastly, SMART Recovery (2022) provides options for local meetings and local meetings online.
2 What comparisons did you make, either similar or different, from what you learned in the module course material?
The course material discussed the smart stages of change, including pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, relapse, and termination (University of Rhode Island, n.d.). Based on experience, the members do not always follow the order of the stages of change upon applying to th...
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