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Self-Understanding and Emotional Development

Essay Instructions:

The focus of this Discussion is on attachment, self-understanding, and emotional development and the role that parents play in this development.
Please respond to the following:
Imagine that you are part of a large research study on attachment. You have been asked to conduct home visits for infants and toddlers who may be at risk for insecure attachment.
What infant behaviors would you look for to distinguish between secure, insecure avoidant, insecure resistant, and insecure disorganized/disoriented attachment?
What caregiving behaviors might signal a threat to attachment security?
What type of early parenting fosters the development of secure attachment?
Children in early childhood (ages 2–6 years) begin to develop a self-concept — awareness of the set of attributes, abilities, attitudes, and values that an individual believes defines who he or she is. Self-esteem — judgments about one’s own worth — also emerges in early childhood, and children gain in emotional understanding, emotional self-regulation, and the capacity to experience self-conscious emotions and empathy and sympathy. During this period, parents are a big influence on their child’s development.
Briefly describe ways that parenting contributes to a) self-concept, b) self-esteem, c) emotional understanding, d) emotional self-regulation, e) self-conscious emotions, and f) empathy and sympathy for children in early childhood (ages 2–6 years).

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Self-Understanding, and Emotional Development
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Self-Understanding, and Emotional Development
Children at the age of 2-6 years are at risk of developing either secure or insecure attachment. As a person tasked with analyzing attachment on toddlers, there are various behaviors that I would look for to determine whether a child is at risk of developing secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure resistant, or insecure disorganized/disoriented attachment. The first behavior to look for is whether a child is anxious when the parent is not around. The other behavior to look for is how children behave when their caregivers try to calm them down. One of the caregiver’s behaviors that may threaten attachment security is the unreliability of a caregiver when a child needs their comfort (Kerns & Brumariu, 2013). A parent at an early stage should make sure their toddlers understand they will be there if needed to foster the development of secure attachment.
Parents play a critical role in the devel...
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