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Nature of Leadership and its Importance to Organizations

Essay Instructions:

Controversary - What is the nature of Leadership?
1.Critically review the different leadership theories discussed
2.Write a brief on each theory, linking it to examples from real life
3.Reach a consensus on one theory that the group supports more providing the reasoning behind it
4.Reflect your opinion briefly on the nature of leadership and its importance to organisations

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Nature of Leadership and its Importance to Organizations
Nature of leadership
The capacity of an individual or a group to persuade others in an organization on a specific task is known as leadership. Leadership is required to persuade individuals to work together toward a common goal and establish an environment conducive to collective action. Effective leadership requires managers to understand their subordinates, personalities, values, attitudes, and emotions. In an organization, leaders should develop teamwork where one can combine his followers as a team. An effective leader should have the following characteristics: self-confidence, good communication skills, creative and innovative thinking, openness to change, and time-consciousness (Horner, 1997). Some theories that describe leadership are the theory of characteristics, behavior, theory of situations, and contingencies.
The trait theory
The idea of ​​the great man and this theory are related. According to this notion, a good leader must have specific characteristics or attributes. It is believed that leaders are not produced but instead are born with specific leadership qualities. Effective leadership is predicted using this idea. The traits discovered are compared to those of potential leaders to assess whether or not they can lead effectively. (Uhl- Bien, 2006) One of these traits examined in a leader is personal integrity. A leader's integrity is of concern in an organization because we can determine whether he can take good care of the organization's property.
Behavioral Theory
This theory is based on the assumption that leadership effectiveness depends upon what the leader does. According to the idea, successful leadership is the outcome of a variety of taught abilities. A leader will utilize his powers to influence and change his followers' behavior. Leaders should behave in a way that inspires guides the juniors in the organizatio...
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