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Emerging Adult and their Relationship with Parents

Essay Instructions:

Please read and reference the Arnett (2004) chapter, From conflict to companionship, and the textbook (Steinberg, 2020) in your reflection.
For your reflection, you will be looking at how Arnett's emerging adulthood stage of adolescence may change the relationship between the child (adolescent/emerging adult) and the parent. Please also evaluate the idea of emerging adulthood as a universal stage of development. Consider your own experiences as you reflect on how the relationship between the adolescent and the parents change as the adolescent enters adulthood. Topics you may want to address include gender roles, family structures and systems, divorce, foster families, parenting styles, and economic stress and poverty. You shouldn't include all of these, but you should consider one or two of them as you write your paper.
Prompt questions to include:
1. What is an emerging adult?
2. What are some of the reasons Arnett speculates that lead to an improvement in the relationship between the emerging adult and the parent?
3. What are some reasons emerging adults have left home historically? How has that changed? What is important to consider when emerging adults return home?
4. Is it possible to be an emerging adult while living at home? Why or why not?
5. Is the stage of emerging adulthood universal? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Emerging Adult and their Relationship with Parents
Institutional Affiliation
Emerging Adult and their Relationship with Parents
The relationship between child and parent changes during the emerging adulthood stage. Emerging adulthood is the stage after adolescence. The adolescent stage during the stage years has a child think of a parent as ignorant and hardly understands the views of the child. The emerging adulthood stage is from the age of 21 when a person is getting to know different things in the world in the social, political, and economic aspects. Emerging adulthood is a stage that requires a child to accept responsibility for different actions. The emerging adult years require a person to set personal goals and develop a plan to achieve the goals. Self-development in emerging adulthood is possible due to the self-awareness of the individual. An emerging adult discovers and feels that he/she is no longer in adolescence and not yet fully adult (Arnett 2004). Emerging adults require making choices that will provide a stable foundation for their adult lives.
Arnett explains the need to improve the relationship between an emerging adult and the parent. An emerging adult views parents as more sympathetic and not only parents. Parent adult to the changes of an emerging adult and treat them differently than they did in the adolescent stage. The relationship between the emerging adult and parents changes in perception as near equals. The new relationship as near equals helps the emerging adult to grow gradually through the adulthood stage. The parents allow the emerging adult to focus on self-sufficiency and achieving the desired personal goals. The exploration by the young adult focus on building a strong foundation for adult life. An emerging adult discovers the commitments in adult life and for that, reason makes the relationship between the emerging adult and parents change. The parents become more confident that the exploration by the emerging adults will help them achieve what they want out of life (Arnett 2004). Most parents allow emerging adults to follow their passions to translate possibilities into realities by focusing on self-development. The improvement in the relationship between the emerging adult and the parent occurs because the emerging adult is allowed to make independent decisions. The independent decisions and focus on becoming financially independent require the emerging adult to become responsible. The parent ...
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