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Scientific Method, American Psychological Association Code of Ethics, and Informed Consent

Essay Instructions:

Informed consent is a standard part of research studies. As part of the IRB application process, researchers create a sample consent form that is submitted with their study protocol. This consent form will be used with participants to inform them of the study and, once the study has been explained, the participants will sign the informed consent form. As part of the process, the informed consent form needs to include a description of what the study involves, including risks and benefits, if the study is confidential, and how the study data is used.
The Unit 4 Assignment will include three parts:
Identification of a topic you would be interested in studying and how it could be studied scientifically
Identification of the APA ethical principles and description of how your study could conform to them.
Creating a consent form that could be used with your study idea.
Using the Unit 4 Assignment Template, please answer the questions for Part 1 and Part 2. Then, for Part 3, create a sample informed consent form to conduct a study that is of interest to you. You may create a study from a topic that you have discussed in prior weeks, but this is not required. The goal is to create a draft of an informed consent form similar to that which a researcher would submit to an IRB board for review.
Note: You will not actually conduct this study. You are just thinking through the steps of how a study could be designed.
This Assignment assesses the following Course Outcomes:
PS300-1: Apply the scientific method to the field of psychology.
PS300-2: Describe the application of the American Psychological Association code of ethics to the field of psychology.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Informed Consent
Due Date
Informed Consent
Part 1: The Scientific Method
1 What is a psychology topic you would be interested in researching?
Gender-based violence in men and women.
2. What are the steps of the scientific method?
According to Helmenstine (2020), there are six scientific method steps for
* Find the study question.
* Perform a background research
* Formulate a hypothesis
* Test the hypothesis by performing the experiment
* Analyze the data and draw a conclusion
* Communicate your results.
2 Why is the scientific method important to follow?
It gives the study credibility. Following the scientific method allows theories to be evaluated based on evidence, thus providing grounds to either reject or accept the theories.
3 How could you study your topic following the steps of the scientific method?
A study on Gender-based Violence in men and women. The hypothesis would be men are more likely to commit gender-based violence than women. I would then introduce the study by giving a bit of background. I will also state the relevance and shortcomings of existing studies and make a good case for why the study is important. I will then perform a literature review. Determine the study's methodology, clearly starting how samples will be taken and how the questionnaires will be administered. Perform actual data collection. Prepare the data state the null and the alternate hypothesis. I would then test the hypothesis and check whether they are consistent with other previous finds. I would end by drawing a conclusion and recommendations.
Part 2: The American Psychological Association Code of Ethics
Ethical principles of the American Psychological Association
The American Psychological Association's (APA) ethical principles and code of conduct were first established in 1953 (American Psychological Association, n.d). Since it was established, numerous amendments have been made, the most recent being in 2012. The code of ethics acts as a reference for expected behavior in psychology, thereby protecting clients/patients (American Psychological Association, n.d). Because the patient-psychologist relationship is so sensitive, guidelines and rules must be established to prevent all parties from any unfair violations.
The APA code of ethics demands that a psychologist should always strive for competence during their line of duty. Psychologists should recognize the scope of their competencies and the limitations of their qualifications. Members should be careful in making decisions and take precautions in protecting the wellbeing of those they work with (American Psychological Association, n.d). The code of ethics also demands that psychologists undertake continuous self-improvement through education.
Members of the association are expected to promote integrity when teaching and practicing. Psychologists must be truthful, fair, and considerate of others. Untrue statements should not be made in selling their qualifications, fees, services, research, or teaching. Members should be aware of their roles and limitations and how they affect their delivery of service (American Psychological Association, n.d). Members of the Association should shun inappropriate relationships that can bring disrepute to the profession.
Professional and scientific responsibility
According to the Associations, the APA code of ethics requires members to maintain professional standards. Members must define their professional roles and responsibilities, accept responsibility for their actions, and tailor their approaches to the needs of the people they serve. To serve the best interests of their service recipients, psychologists should collaborate or consult with other professionals and institutions as needed. Members should consult with peers to prevent or avoid unethical behavior when appropriate.
Respect for people's rights and dignity
Members must hono...
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