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The Review of the Attachment Theory: Discussion of the Findings

Essay Instructions:


Read and analyze the article by McLeod (2009)Preview the documentView in a new window.

Journal Article Review Template

Article Citation (APA style).
Explain the purpose of this study. (Paragraph may be less than 5 sentences)
Describe the methodology used. (Paragraph – 5 to 7 sentences)
Discuss the findings (or main points) of the study. Include a statistical analysis. (Paragraph – 5 to 7 sentences)
Discuss some of the limitations of the study. (Paragraph – 5 to 7 sentences)
Describe how the findings can be applied to improve our understanding of behavior and mental processes. (Paragraph – 5 to 7 sentences)
Describe how this article affected your own understanding of behavior and mental processes. (Paragraph – 5 to 7 sentences)

Technical Instructions:

Paper must be typed, use Times New Roman or Arial font, 12pt font size, double-spaced, and with standard 1” margins.

The paper will consist of a maximum of 3 pages.

The first page will be the title page where you need to include: a title, your PID number, class and section number, and date.

Make sure to include everything asked for in the template.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Review of the Attachment theory
Student Name
Institution Affiliation
Date of Submission
Article Review: Attachment Theory
The purpose of the study
Paul has not clearly identified the purpose of his study as there is no section of the aims or objectives of the study. However, reading through the article the author aimed at exploring the different stages of relationship and attachment development between the parents and their children. The article has also established various behaviors portrayed when an existing attachment has broken between the involved individuals and various ways by which attachments are formed. The author has also expounded on various factors that initiate the forming of an attachment particularly; mother to infant attachment.
Methodology used
The research utilizes content analysis approach as a method of research. In this regard, the research has utilized the content of various researchers and theorists therefore giving an analysis of the content. In this regard, the research has utilized the learning theory of attachment that brings about classical conditioning and operant conditioning and the evolution. Furthermore, He has explored the experiment by Rudolph Schaffer and Peggy Emerson (1964), the Harlow’s Monkey experiment (1959) and Lorenz’s imprinting theory (1935), to illustrate their findings on the different stages of attachment. He has also explored the evolutionary attachment theory and the behavioral theory as expressed by other researchers in exploring the concept of attachment.
Discussion of the findings
There is no specific analysis used in this article as the author has relied on other people’s works to write his article. He has used the findings of other researchers to understand the concept of attachment. Some of the key points of the study are that attachment regards the connection of an individual to another emotionally. This attachment is not necessarily reciprocal. It is demonstrated in children through behaviors for instance finding close to the attachmen...
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