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Reflection on Interesting Topics in Psychology

Essay Instructions:

Think of Reflection Journals as your opportunity to reflect on the highlights of the module (chapters 1, 2, 3).

This is like if a friend asked you, “What are you studying?” "What did you learn?"  And your answer would be “Well, in this chapter I learned about ______, and I have to tell you, it was freaking brilliant.  You would totally relate to this. Let me explain...”  

See?  I don’t want an academic paper from you. This is a journal, right?  So, I’m going to go "easy" on formal writing and referencing style, like APA - for now, but I DO WANT you to improve your referencing style as we progress in the class.   SO, you do need to include “According to our book (or text)” each time you are explaining psychology concepts.  Be as creative as you like in your writing, I want to read essays that sound like you, not a stuffy text book.  So you better not copy and paste from any website, just explain things in your own way (but it still has to make sense!).

Instructions for your Journal (each Journal's instructions may be slightly different!)

3 Parts, each part covers one chapter

Part 1 (chapter 1):  {Two large paragraphs}

         a) First Paragraph -Choose a topic within chapter 1 that you found most interesting (not easiest, but interesting!).  After doing the readings, what subject stood out to you the most?  Was it a historical fact?  Was it a particular psychological theory or concept? Name it, and describe and explain it, again, like you are explaining to a friend.  If you're not sure if a subject is appropriate, just contact me first!

        b) Second Paragraph -Tell a personal story or observation that relates to the subject you’ve chosen.  You chose it for a reason, what was the reason?  How can you relate to it?  Why was it important to you?  Just tell a story or two.

Part 2 (chapter 2): 

- Repeat like above (a) and (b)  just choose a topic from Chapter 2.

Part 3 (chapter 3):

- Repeat (a) and (b), choose a subject from Chapter 3.  You get the idea.

Total suggested minimum word count = 500  If longer that’s okay! Just don’t do the bare minimum, please.  Effort!

Note: topics may come from ANY part of the chapter. Topics must demonstrate that you did some reading, so don’t choose a topic that is too general, like “biology” or “research” or “brain” where a layperson could write about generally.  Contact me first if you are unsure!  I can also look at your drafts!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychology Reflection Paper
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Due Date
Psychology Reflection Paper
Part 1
The topic I found the most interesting from chapter 1 was the different careers in psychology. It was interesting to learn about all the different career paths one can take in psychology, from clinical, counselling, research and more. According to our book, careers in psychology include working in clinical settings, such as hospitals and private practices, as well as research, consulting, teaching and more (p.28). Depending on the career path chosen, psychologists can specialize in different areas of psychology and can even become experts in their field.
I found this topic especially interesting because I am currently considering a career in psychology. I have always been interested in mental health and helping people, and psychology could be a great way to do that. I am especially interested in the research aspect of psychology, as research can help us better understand the complexities of mental health and how to treat it better. I look forward to learning more about the different career paths in psychology and how to pursue them best.
Part 2
In the second chapter, the topic that I found most interesting was ethics in research. The ethical considerations that psychologists must consider when conducting research are of utmost importance and sometimes overlooked in research studies. Our book describes research ethics as important because it helps ensure the safety and well-being of the participants and ensure that the research results are accurate, reliable, and valid (p.59). This ethics includes protecting the rights of participants, ensuring informed consent is obtained, minimizing potential risks and harms, ensuring confidentiality and privacy, and ensuring that the data collected is accurately reported and interpreted.
I remember when I was taking an on...
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