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Red Enhances Men's Attraction to Young, but Not Menopausal Women

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, review the two articles provided:

"Romantic Red Revisited: Red Enhances Men's Attraction to Young, but not Menopausal Women," by Sascha & Singer, from Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2013). https://www-sciencedirect-com(dot)lopes(dot)idm(dot)oclc(dot)org/science/article/pii/S0022103112001564

"Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction as Predictors of Turnover Intentions among Teachers in the Offinso South District of Ghana," by Addai, Kyeremeh, Abdulai, & Sarfo, from European Journal of Contemporary Education (2018). https://lopes(dot)idm(dot)oclc(dot)org/login?url=https://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=130597326&site=eds-live&scope=site&custid=s8333196&groupid=main&profile=eds1

Read through them carefully and write a summary of each article. Write about the articles in everyday language, explaining the theory each was testing, the method used, the most important results, and the main points in the discussion. Be very careful not to plagiarize at this stage (please reread the course resources on academic integrity (plagiarism) and the APA guide on paraphrasing).

Use 500-600-words for each summary (for a total of 1,000-1,200-words), following this organizational structure:

A description of the article's purpose and main hypotheses

A clear statement of the study's design: Experimental or correlational? What were the main IVs or PVs? What was the main DV? Who participated?

A methods paragraph in which you mention each key variable in turn, followed by how it was operationalized. (e.g., "The study measured the variable self-compassion using a self-report questionnaire developed by Neff; it had 25 items that were rated on five-point scales.")

A paragraph in which you describe the main results. If they used regression, you must describe the main relationship as well as what it was controlling for (e.g., "Self-compassion predicted well-being, even when controlling for self-esteem and emotionality"). If it was a factorial design, describe the main effects and interactions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Red Enhances Men's Attraction to Young, but Not Menopausal Women
Purpose of Study and Hypotheses
The study by Schwarz and Singer examined the effects of the color red on men’s attraction to women of different ages (Schwarz & Singer, 2013). The color red has been established to have an effect on the sexual attractiveness of women during the ages of peak fertility and high reproductive value. The authors hypothesized that, given this established fact, the color red has an effect that is not associated with the age of women. Young and menopausal (old) women were used to measure the effect and association in order to support and establish past hypotheses and findings on the psychology of males and how they judge the different aspects of women’s attractiveness.
Research Design and Variables
The authors used a correlational study design to analyze the independence of the perceptions on female attractiveness as related to the color red from the age of men whose perceptions were being measured. In the study, the main independent variable is the perceived attractiveness of female participants (in the photos), in either a red or white background. The main dependent variables are the measures (sexual attractiveness, physical attractiveness, intelligence, and sympathy), and age (young and old women).
The main participants of the study were young and old males who were recruited from a shopping district and a university campus in Germany. The participants were grouped into either “young” or “old” depending on the age cohort they belonged in. There were 60 men recruited who were aged 19 to 31 years (“young” cohort) and 60 men recruited who were aged 45-65 years (“old” cohort). There were no other specifications considered for the participants except for their age and sex.
There were four main measures included in the study. The first measure was the sexual attractiveness of both young and old women. The authors evaluated the perceptions of young and old males of the attractiveness of both young and old women from both red and white backgrounds. The authors adapted a questionnaire from an old study by Elliot and Niesta to assess sexual attractiveness using a 95% confidence rating. The current study’s questionnaire for sexual attractiveness included three questions based on the sexual desirability of the women in the pictures presented by the researchers to the participants, as well as the degree to which the participants would want to have sexual interactions with the person in the photo. The second measure is the physical attractiveness of the women. The authors used questions based on the quality of the physical attributes of the women based on the participants’ opinions and perceptions. Thirdly, the perceived intelligence of the women in the photos were also enquired about using the question, “How intelligent do you think this person is?” The fourth measure was likeability or sympathy, to which the question, “How much do you like this person?” was used to assess the said quality of the women. All the questions from the current study’s questionnaire were based on a 9-Point Likert Scale ranging from 1 (not at all) to 9 (extremely). In addition, the male participants were also asked to estimate the age of the women in the pictures.
Based on the gathered data, it was found that the perceptions of young and old males on the attractiveness of women were related to the color they are associated with. The results showed that background, specifically, the red background, increased the attractiveness of young women, but not old women.
Based on the study’s findings, it was establisshed...
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