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Pairing Refers to a Behavioral Technique

Essay Instructions:

Read the following scenario.

Part 1: Setting the Scene

Every time Daniel is presented with a work task, he cries. Usually, work is done at the table and now, Daniel doesn’t even want to sit at the table even for lunch. This has become a problem and now the teacher doesn’t know where to start. He knows that when he completes his work, he will earn a token on his token board and exchange them for an item in the prize box. Eventually, he will complete part of his work on the floor and earn his tokens.

Conditioned Reinforcer: Explain how “pairing” can create conditioned reinforcers (learned reinforcers). Use the scenario in Daniel’s class to illustrate the process of pairing. What is the conditioned reinforcer in this example? .

Conditioned Aversive Stimulus: From the above scenario, explain how a neutral stimulus was transformed into a conditioned punisher (learned aversive stimulus) through the process of pairing and how this can evolve into escape maintained behavior.

Diagram the above punishment contingency. (Hint: The contingency should be an escape or punishment).

Part 2: Complete the Discussion Question Worksheet

Complete worksheet based on this week's primary discussion post. Attach your finalized worksheet as part of your final primary post.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
  Pairing Refers to a Behavioral Technique
First and foremost, pairing refers to a behavioral technique whereby people can easily pair conditioned stimuli with the core motive of generating more socially acceptable reinforcers to convey, boost, and sustain socially acceptable behaviors. According to Malott and Shane (2016), pairing can generate learned or conditioned reinforcers by combining the neutral stimuli with the recognized (primary) reinforcers. The former can arise either instantaneously with or adjoining to the known reinforcers. Whenever there is the pairing of a primary (main) reinforcer with a neutral stimulus, the latter attains similar reinforcement characteristics connected to the reinforcer. Therefore, the entire process can change the neutral stimuli to conditioned reinforcers by recurrently pairing the two identified elements. Pairing also occurs from Daniel’s case study perspective. Notably, avoiding sitting at the table during lunch and work sessions are previously neutral sessions for the student. However, when the pairing process is introduced, the stimuli tend to transform into a conditioned reinforcer: earning tokens on the board for completing work successfully on the table and exchanging them for a prize box item. In summary, the teacher can pair Daniel’s behavior (central stimulus) with the reinforcer (which is token awards) to achieve or expect the student’s behavior to change, that is, expect him to get used to sitting at the table when completing his work and also during the lunch session.
Most importantly, pairing is an essential behavioral tactic that is relatively applicable in most scena...
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