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Psychopathology – Bipolar Disorder: Diagnosis

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will be picking a hypothetical client that you believe demonstrates significant psychopathology, followed by formulating a case conceptualization.  A case conceptualization includes a diagnosis, a discussion about how their pathology developed (i.e., etiology), and also a brief treatment recommendation.  You may choose your client to be based on either a fictitious character (that exists in a book, movie, television show, etc.) or notable public figure; please do not complete this assignment based off of yourself or someone that you personally know.  If you choose a fictional character, it could be a character from a book, video game, television show, or movie; do not make up a fictional character yourself.  If you choose a public figure, it could be a famous athlete, politician, historical figure, or celebrity.  Whomever you choose for this assignment, it is important that you have access to enough relevant information in order to make an informed diagnosis, as well as when making claims about the etiology of their pathology (i.e., completing the case conceptualization portion of the assignment).  Discussion about how their pathology developed should be based off of theories discussed in class, as should your treatment recommendations.

Limit your report to at most 4 pages.  If you would like assistance with this project from the instructor, please give at least 10 business days for him to provide feedback.  In other words, do not wait until the last minute to ask for help. Instructions on how to form the case conceptualization are below.  Grammar and spelling are also graded components of this assignment.  Enlisting someone to proofread your work is always a good idea. 

Late submissions will be docked 10% each day, and cannot be submitted after grades are due for the course.  You are responsible for coordinating your late submission with the instructor should you want to submit it in paper form.  Electronic submissions may be made to the instructor’s email; please confirm with the instructor that your submission has been received.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s name
Institutional affiliation
Psychopathology – Bipolar disorder
Vincent Chase is male patient of Irish ethnicity aged 49 years and is married with three children. His highest level of education is college level and is an actor an occupation he has been doing for the last thirty years since the time he was 19 years. He is also a part time radio presenter and has worked in three radio stations for the last fifteen years. His annual income is approximately 2 million dollars.
His close family member lives in America and his uncle committed suicide eight years ago. The uncle was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and this was the main reason that led to suicide. Other members of the family have never suffered from bipolar disorder or exhibited any symptom related to the illness.
The patient has varied life experiences which could in one way or another have contributed to the illness. The patient lifestyle has been characterized by alcohol consumption and smoking. He has taken alcohol for the last twenty years. He quit smoking five years ago and had smoked for fifteen years. The patient lost his wife through a greasily road accident in 2017.
The patient has known familial mental health history as he has ever been diagnosed with depression twice in 2000 and latter 2005. The patient has experienced symptoms associated with bipolar disorder for the last five years but never sought medical attention as he never knew the condition. At times he feels happy and talks fast and felt like doing anything. His condition worsened last year after losing his wife and he felt like more ups and downs and close relatives realized something wrong with him.
The patient has previously been treated for depression related complications and the past treatment outcomes indicate that he was declared free from depression. The patient received medication for the condition. He was treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and responded well to the treatment in 2002. In 2005, he was treated with serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors and responded positively and has never been diagnosed with depression again. The patient has been attending clinics from 2005 to 2010 and was declared free from depression.
The patient experiences unusual mood swings with unusual sleep patterns; unusual activity levels, unusual thoughts and behavior. The patient also experiences depressive episodes or mixed episodes lasting for two weeks and sometimes longer. The patient further suffers from maniac episode.
The cause of bipolar disorder is unknown; however, there exists various factors that are involved in the development of the condition. In this case, biological differences seem to be among the factors that led to the condition. The patient experiences physical changes in the brain and the significance of these changes is still uncertain but may eventually help pin point the main cause of the condition.
According to the family history of the patient, a relative who is an uncle committed suicide and was known to suffer from bipolar dis...
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