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If Reliability Is High, Then Validity Is High As Well

Essay Instructions:

When people read, hear, or prepare research summaries, they sometimes have misconceptions about what is or isn't "sound practice" regarding the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. Here are some more of these common (and dangerous) misconceptions.

Choose 3 of the following misconceptions and discuss.

1. If reliability is high, then validity most likely is high as well.

2. If Researcher A uses a test that Researcher B built a year ago and documented as being reliable, then Researcher A can use that test today and have full confidence that it will be reliable for him/her too.

3. High test-retest reliability implies high internal consistency reliability, and vice versa.

4. If Larry's IQ score is 4 points higher than Mary's IQ score, then we have a legitimate right to say that Larry is more intelligent than Mary.

5. Test-retest reliability remains fairly stable regardless of how much time passes between the test and the retest.

6. The "criterion" in criterion-related validity is a numerical cut-off that is used to determine whether a measuring instrument is or isn't valid.

7. Discriminant validity is documented best by correlation coefficients that are near - 1.00.

8. A study's findings should be considered to be valid if that study's data are shown to have high reliability and validity.

9. The typical researcher spends as much time considering how to collect data as he/she does considering how to analyze data.

10. Kendall's coefficient of concordance (W) would turn out equal to the mean of the various rs values if Spearman's rho is computed for each pair of things being ranked.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Research Name: Institution: Course: Date: RESEARCH 1 If reliability is high, then validity most likely is high as well. There are quite a number of misconceptions that are associated with the interpretation of research from the data collection and data analysis practices. One such assumption is that, where the reliability is high the validity is high as well. Reliability in this case refers to a condition in which a measure yields consistent scores over several repeated measurements (Tavakol & Dennick, 2011). If one is measuring a piece of wood’s length and they get five feet , for the first time and for three other times they still get five feet using the same tape measure. This is to mean that the tape measure is reliable. This then can then be inferred that measuring the piece of wood with a good tape measure should give the same results. It is this element of reliability and validity that in question, where most people assume that when one is high the other is also going to be high. This is not entirely true, as in some of the cases, the measurements could be reliable but not valid and low reliability and low validity (Price, Jhangiani & Chiang, 2018). High reliability but not valid can be associated with one that is constantly missing the mark or producing bad results repeatedly. In the case of both being low, this means inconsistent and never on target. In the vase of valid but inconsistent, this is an aspect that is not possible relative to the fact that, one cannot get what they want with a measurement if it keep fluctuating. However, more importantly is the fact that, it is not correct to simply assume that with high reliability comes high validity. This is a skewed approach when interpreting results and one that is likely to mess up the conclusion of a research. 2 If Researcher A uses a test that Researcher B built a year ago and documented asbeing reliable, then Researcher A can use that test today and have full confidence that it will be reliable for him/her too. Where a researcher creates their own test in a bid to get the results of a given research and the method is proven reliable, this does not mean that all others are going to be. This is the case where another researcher, one year later takes up the same research test and uses it in their research assuming that it is going to achieve the same level of reliability. It is important to note that the conditions under which each of the research is conducted will change. As such, replicating the test is rather complicated and there is likelihood that the conditions in the first test are not the same (Price, Jhangiani & Chiang, 2018). This i...
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