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You’re a psychology major? So, you’re going to be a psychologist?

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will create a recorded response to one of several comments psychology majors hear.

Here are the comments you can choose from. If you have heard another comment like these that you would like to use instead, send me an email and I will let you know if you can use that as your prompt for your recording.

o You can’t do anything with a bachelor’s degree in psychology.

o What are you going to with THAT major?

o You majored in health psychology? What does that have to do with ____ (fill in the blank with a career you intend to pursue)?

o Psychology is not a real science.

o Psychology is such an easy major.

o You’re a psychology major? So, you’re going to be a psychologist?

o Why did you major in psychology instead of something that will prepare you for a career?

o All the people I know who majored in psychology are not even using their major.

Please begin your recording with the comment you are responding to and then provide your response.

Your target audience for this presentation is obviously someone who does not understand the breadth and applications of psychology.

Your goal is to educate, not defend, your audience in less than three minutes. Every time we hear one of these comments is an opportunity to educate others about what psychology (psychological science) really is. Thus, when framing your response, focus on teaching the person about psychology rather than throwing out defensive statements. Consider your tone and word choice and remember that your audience is more likely to be persuaded if your response is organized, specific, and captures their attention.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
You’re a psychology major? So, you’re going to be a psychologist?
Not all students who have a psychology major will follow the educational route towards being a psychologist. Psychology as a course actually takes a lot of training and requires special knowledge that can only be learned through years of being immersed in the field. In reality, a psychology degree can provide essential skill sets that are versatile for various careers, not just for psychologists. If an individual want to pursue being a psychologist as their career, additional education in graduate school and masters are needed.
A psychology degree can equip a person with the right skill set that is beneficial for proper employee conduct, and it also gives an advantage for many workforce positions. Enrolling in a psychology course does not automatically mean that the person is going to become a psychologist in the future, but it does undoubtedly prepare students to possibilities of employment in various careers that is related to the psychology field. Psychology majors can train a person to be more aware of the inner workings of the human psyche, which make them empathic and capable in handling real human life situations.
For some people, they have a misconception that you “can’t get a job with a psychology degree.” In actua...
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