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Psychology Article Based Question to Answer

Essay Instructions:

Reading:  Arnett, J. J. (2015).  From conflict to companionship:  A new relationship with parents.  In Arnett J. J. (Eds.), Emerging Adulthood:  The winding road from the late teens through the twenties (pages 49-82).  New York:  Oxford University Press. 

Part I:  Article Based Question to Answer:

  1. According to the author, why does moving out often lead to an improvement of the relationship between emerging adults and their parents? Do you agree with him?  Does this relate to your own personal experiences? Explain.
  2. What were the most common reasons for emerging adults to leave their home in the 1970’s? How is this different today? 
  3. Why do some emerging adults return home after leaving? If you were to move back in with your parents after college, how might you think it would impact your relationship with them?
  4. What does the author state is the key to a successful transition back home? Do you agree?  In your opinion, what else may help ease this transition?
  5. Do you feel it is possible to be an emerging adult while still living at home? Why or why not?  Your response needs to include at least some of the characteristics associated with emerging adulthood. 
  6. Why are parents today more likely to be involved with their emerging adult sons and daughters lives than in previous generations? What are some of the noted results from this?  Does it match your own experiences? 

Part II:  Interview Questions

Ask the following questions to your interviewee and report their responses

  1. How often are you in contact with your parents? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? 
  2. Do you get along better with your parents now than in your mid-teens? Explain
  3. Has the nature (topics, disclosure of information, etc.) of your conversations changed with your parents? If so, in what ways?  Why do you think this might be?
  4. Do you think your relationship might change if you had to move back in with them in your mid-twenties for a period of time?
  5. Do you recall the last time you had a fight with your parents? What was it about?  Did you feel you had more input in the resolution than in your mid-teen years?
  6. (To the interviewer) Now, come up with one more question to ask on your own for your interviewee– try to think of something that would relate back to the article’s discussion.  Report their response.

Part III:  Integrating Part I and II

Take at least two separate responses from your interview and connect each to either elements of the reflection 5 reading or to course materials from the lessons of the course

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Part I:  Article Based Question to Answer:
1 According to the author, why does moving out often lead to an improvement of the relationship between emerging adults and their parents? Do you agree with him?  Does this relate to your own personal experiences? Explain.
According to the author, moving out usually heralds ‘mellowing’ of the relationship between the emerging adult and the parents because it gives them a greater and independent perspective about themselves, their lives, and the initial roles played by the parents in their lives. I agree with the author, since, from a personal perspective, moving out was a pivotal moment in that, it really made me see the important roles played by my parents. I loved them even more after moving out.
2 What were the most common reasons for emerging adults to leave their home in the 1970’s? How is this different today? 
The most common reason was to get married then. Now however, young adults move out for the sheer reason of attaining independence.
3 Why do some emerging adults return home after leaving? If you were to move back in with your parents after college, how might you think it would impact your relationship with them?
They usually return home as a result of the fact that their little ‘moving out’ experience didn’t work out as they had expected. Some might be due to their completion of military service, some might be due to completion of their college studies. For those who move out because of marriage or relationships, it might be due to a failure in either.
4 What does the author state is the key to a successful transition back home? Do you agree?  In your opinion, what else may help ease this transition?
The author notes that the key to such a successful transition is for the parents or guardians to stop seeing their kids as adolescents, and more like adults. In my opinion, this is quite true, as it gives both parties some degree of respect and boundaries for each other, thereby creating mutual understanding.
5 Do you feel it is possible to be an emerging adult while still living at home? Why or why not?  Your response needs to include at least some of the characteristics associated with emerging adulthood. 
As much as it is possible, I feel that it might not be quite practical for an emerging adult to live at home. This is because, the stage is filled with a lot of excitement and an underlying, unending urge to be independent; to break off the chains of being under someone. Unless one is very much incapable of moving out, I think it is not possible.
6 Why are parents today more likely to be involved with their emerging adult sons and daughters lives than in previous generations? What are some of the noted results from this?  Does it match your own experiences? 
Parents today are more likely to be involved due to the changing roles and relations between the parent and child. This has made it possible to have a more interactive perspective between the two. It has even been noted that increased parental involvement is beneficial for the emerging adult. This m...
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