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Behavior: Personality Theory Analysis Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on which you compare Psychodynamic, Humanistic and Existential theories. Address the following:
Describe the role of personality in affecting situational behavior.
Examine the personality characteristics attributed to each theory in your approach.
Explain the interpersonal relational aspects associated with the theories selected.
Include a reference page with a minimum of three to five peer-reviewed sources.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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Personality Theory Analysis
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Personality Theory Analysis
Psychologists view personality as the blend of physiognomies that make a person unique (Feist et al., 2017). They also define it as the dynamic organization within an individual that determines his/her characteristics (Schultz P. &Schultz S., 2014). Both definitions highlight and adopt an idiographic view and emphasize on the uniqueness of an individual. However, to come to this conclusion, psychological studies have come a long way. In the course of this journey, a number of theories were put forward that attempted to explain variation in individual’s personality. Some of these theories include psychodynamic theory, humanistic theory, and existential theory. In one way or the other, the models altered the way in which people perceived personality. Henceforth, this essay will compare Psychodynamic, Humanistic and Existential theories. Firstly, the study will give a brief review of the theories. This will be followed by a description on how the role of personality is affecting situational behavior, then the personality characteristics attributed to each approach and finally the interpersonal relational aspects associated with the study theories.
Psychodynamic, Humanistic and Existential Theories
A psychodynamic theory as put forward by Freud and further developed by his followers is a model that explains personality in terms of conscious and unconscious forces, for example, beliefs, wishes, and worries which an individual is not fully aware (Schultz P. &Schultz S., 2014). The concept contends past experiences, especially those experiences at the young age are crucial in shaping a character’s personality. On the other hand, the humanistic theory was put forward by Carl Rogers, and it accentuates on the ‘organismic valuing process,’ a concept of judging experiences on how efficiently they drive us to self-actualization (University of phoenix, 2013). The model focuses on the study of the whole person, in other words, the theory emphasizes on studying personality through the eyes of the observer and the one doing the behaving. Essentially the humanistic theory says that individuals are determined to be the best version of their selves. Lastly, the existential theory says that people are responsible for their choices. Rollo May (the one who proposed the theory) believed that formal and informal decisions are the major factors in human motivation. According to him anxieties came from an individual’s mental state of mind and were meant to fight fear.
The Role of Personality on Situational Behavioral
Psychodynamic, Humanistic and Existential theories have great opinions on situational behavior. In all the approaches the situation will affect the person’s behavior or the behavior will affect the situation; though, some factors need to be taken into consideration. For instance, according to the humanistic approach, individuals are determined to be the best version of their selves (University of phoenix, 2013). Ideally, people’s acts are grounded on situations they go through. According to humanistic theory, people have two self-concepts which are ideal self and organismic self. Ideal self, refers to the type of the person individual desires to be (Schultz P. &Schultz S., 2014). The manner in which people respond to situations corresponds with what they want to be. Henceforth, it is true that people strive to be their ideal self. Experiences that occur without an individual’s awareness are what is viewed as the organismic self.
The existential theory emphasizes on free will. Henceforth, people are free to make decisions in every situation (University of phoenix, 2013). They can also choose not to act. Therefore, every behavioral response is the result of a free will decision. Through the exercise of free will, individuals can make decisions on their future. These decisions depend on the immediate situations, ideas that correspond to humanistic theory notions that all behavior is a response to situations (Feist et al., 2017). As per existential theory, anxiety impacts situational behavior. This is consistent with the impression anxiety is experienced when individuals realize that a valued aspect of their existence is in threat; henceforth, opts better survival techniques.
Different from the above theories is the psychodynamic theory. An approach that debates that childhood experiences are crucial in the shaping of an individual’s personality (Schultz P. &Schultz S., 2014). Henceforth, childhood behaviors are acquired by an individual. For instance, oral stage, anal stage, and phallic stage are stages that are adopted at the young age; if one of these steps is impaired, it will influe...
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