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My Career Choice In Forensic Psycoholgy Assignment

Essay Instructions:

double space, paraphrase and use cited paper. do assignment -12 -13
This assignment focuses on your Career Interest. It will allow you to locate yourself within your major, while being aware of the influence(s) that personal issues may have on your attraction to the field. The assignment is to write an APA style essay describing your career interests as follows:
◦Your specialty area of interest (include a definition and detailed description of your area of interest - type of work, jobs, duties, settings, salary, training required, licensure required etc... Note: these details are "facts" and require citations, e.g. (Kelsey, 2014)
◦Reasons for your choice.
◦Your future aspirations in the discipline
◦Use at least two Web sources (NO WIKIPEDIA).
◦Use at least two citations from professional journal articles
◦List your search history and results (i.e., abstracts and citations of selected articles used)
Included below are YouTube videos to assist you with your writing efforts, please review.
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How to Write an Effective Essay
Duration: (10:32)
User: n/a - Added: 8/8/09
YouTube URL: http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=nWqMQ26Gqi4

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5 Tips For Writing College Essays

Duration: (7:33)

User: n/a - Added: 10/16/15

YouTube URL: http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=_2QkAK55rXs

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Essay Writing

Duration: (23:40)

User: n/a - Added: 7/27/12

YouTube URL: http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=RodUHlwVabA

Essay Sample Content Preview:

My Career in Forensic Psychology
(Student’s name)
(Institutional affiliation)
My Career Choice in Forensic Psychology
This is my choice of career because, like other children, I too have a big dream to make an impact on the world. I know that by becoming a forensic psychologist, crimes can be solved and if the criminal is successfully caught, that will give me the best fulfillment of my career. Since I was a kid, I always pictured myself having this nature of work because the mystery of finding facts by gathering clues and evidence fascinates me. In addition to this, it is a lucrative career that will help me support my future family.
Before I chose this career path, I first familiarized myself with what it means to be a forensic psychologist and what I will be doing. My understanding is we will be the ones to implement psychology to the justice system of criminals, evaluate the state of mind of the offender, assess if the witness is credible, and other duties related to it (All Psychology Schools, 2017). I also have the right to advise the police about an offender’s mental illness and psychology. The role of helping to prevent and punish crimes excites me and also because the heinous crimes committed should be stopped. It might be easy to say that once a person goes into trial, there is an assurance that the people he or she offended are already safe. That is not the case because a forensic psychologist will determine if they have a mental illness that caused their behavior. If someone is mentally disabled, he or she could go to mental institution if proven innocent because staying in their household will only endanger the lives of everyone else around them. The person should receive proper medication and treatment before being allowed to interact with others again. The focus of this field, which is on criminals are given ominous duties of attempting to find reasons why certain people commit crimes, the type of person they are, and what can be done to prevent it from happening again (Careers in Psychology, n.d.). Having a forensic psychology work with them is going to make it simpler for them to get answers that will explain a person’s behavior.
Forensic psychologists are also scientists who compare data gathered from different sources in order to arrive at hypotheses. There will be emphasis placed on reports and testimonies in courts that have scientific validation and will survive scrutiny in court (Franklin Ph.D., 2014). In order for me to be an excellent forensic psychologist, I have to get solid experience, have a strong grounding in scientific theory, and skills in critical thinking. Furthermore, I need to possess complete knowledge about social and cultural issues, legal knowledge, outstanding writing skills, and know how to keep my composure even under stress. I know that I will be facing criminals, stressful situations, frustrations, and events that will test my skills and patience that is why I also need the proper mind set for this.
Even if it is necessary to receive training in law and forensic psychology, the most important skills I must possess are profound clinical skills (Ward, Ph.D., 2013). These skills are comprised of interviewing, clinical assessment, report writing, verbal communication skills, and presentation of case are ess...
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