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Analysis of Personality, Information, Possible Biases

Essay Instructions:

Reflect on your life history and discuss which aspects of your personality have changed over time and which aspects have stayed consistent. (Personality aspects based Five-factor Personality Model Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism) 
Based on your retrospective analysis, describe the roles of nature and nurture in shaping your personality. Reflect on your justification for distinguishing between nature and nurture.  
Discuss the possible sources of bias and inaccuracy whenever a person looks back on their past history. Be sure to discuss factors related to memory and factors related to cognition.  
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: 
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format.  

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis of Personality
Course title:
Human beings have different personalities. The personality that a person has may change from time to time depending on the environment to which they are exposed. Personalities are inborn while others are nurtured over time. It is not easy to immediately identify the personality of a person. Psychologists have come up with multiple ways through which they can assess the personality of people. One of the most common forms of personality analysis is the five-factor-model which examines traits such as openness, agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism and conscientiousness. This discussion has focused on the five aspects of personality seeking to determine the extent to which any of these has been affected by nature and nurture. Further, the paper looks at possible bias and inaccuracy arising from reflection of past history of a person’s life.
Background Information
One long term goal of psychology is to come up with a model that conveniently helps establish personality of people. With an elaborate mechanism of making such identifications, psychologists believe that it will be easier to establish when a person has a disorder. According to psychologists, human personality ought to be classified in standard and clear cut categories. This means that any person who falls outside or exhibits behavior not within the provided categories will then be considered to have a disorder. It will then be possible to come up with a practical remedy for such people based on the specific disorder they are found to have (John & Laura, 2014). In view of the foregoing, many models have been developed all of which attempt to explain the various personality types. Some models have been criticized as inconclusive hence unreliable. Most of them are generally accepted by the public but there are some that are more prominent than others. One of the most popular personality models is the five-factor model, better known as The Big 5. This model categorizes personality types into five main categories namely openness, agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism also known as emotional stability and conscientiousness. This model’s popularity is as a result of its inclusivity in the traits of human beings.
Extraversion is the opposite of introversion and refers to people who are highly sociable. The two words are derived from extrovert and introvert respectively which means people who are outgoing and sociable and on the flip side people who are quiet and very much kept to themselves. Extroverts unlike introverts will easily fit even in a new environment, easy to make friends and generally speak out. They are not reserved and will find joy in the company of others.
Agreeable people as the name suggests move with the flow. They prefer peace and harmony as opposed to conflict and will often be polite and cooperative. They do not like to clash with others and will sometimes forego their preferences for the sake of agreeing with the rest of the group.
Conscientious individuals are known to be organized, highly focused and not easily distracted. They will work towards accomplishing a certain goals and remain aggressive even when the environment is harsh. They tend to have fixated minds and changing their perspective or view of things is always an uphill task.
Neurotic individuals also known as people with emotional disability are more predisposed to experiencing emotions that are negative such as ...
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