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Psychologists Play A Significant Role in Diagnosing ASD

Essay Instructions:


Having positive and professional relationships with parents and family members is an essential part of the process when working with young children with ASD. Positive environments tend to provide better results for children, parents, and educators.


For this assignment, you will complete a 1–2-page reflection paper that will discuss the importance of having professional and positive relationships with families for children with ASD.

Please include the following information:

Discuss at least three characteristics a professional in your field would need in order to be effective when working with children with ASD?

How can professionals support family members for the children with ASD?

What would you want parents to know about you as a professional?

How will you conduct yourself professionally in a situation where parents may be upset or angry?

What can professionals do to make sure relationships are positive with families?

As a reflective paper, your work does not need to be in APA format. However, if you cite any sources in your work, please be sure to use current APA citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychologists Play A Significant Role in Diagnosing ASD
Psychologists play a significant role in diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and helping parents and family members cope with the challenges associated with providing care to young children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Children with ASD are characterized by both verbal and non-verbal communication, behavioral, and social functioning deficits CITATION Rob161 \l 1033 (Robledo, 2016). The outlined deficits require psychological expertise to provide the essential support needed by both the affected children and their family caregivers to mitigate the ensuing challenges affecting the former’s daily functioning. Psychologists also play the crucial role of supporting and enhancing the family caregivers’ ability to cope with the stress associated with accommodating and adjusting to the needs and wants of children with ASD toward achieving the desired outcome.
Achieving the desired outcome for young children with ASD, their parents, and family members thrives on the psychologist’s or counselor’s ability to develop positive relationships with the different stakeholders within the children’s environment. Among the key characteristics for effective delivery of the desired outcome when working with children with ASD is a high sense of awareness. A high sense of awareness is crucial to identifying the diverse and equally unique needs and wants of children with ASD, thus allowing for the development of individualized and specific patient goals CITATION Ben12 \l 1033 (Bennet, 2012). It is also important to be highly observant when working with children with ASD to effectively identify their strengths and limitations towards determining the appropriate resources to be utilized in ensuring the achievement of desired patient outcomes. Another essential characteristic for efficacy when working with children with ASD is patience. Patience is a key ingredient in nurturing the observed special interests and identified strengths into meaningful life outcomes for children with ASD.
Offering support to family members of children with ASD is integral...
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