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Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Psychologist: Francis Cecil Sumner

Essay Instructions:

Recent events in the United States have highlighted the continuing inequities experienced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) relative to White individuals. Racial inequities also exist when considering the research that is most commonly cited in academic publications. This citation bias has implications both for the development and direction of individual fields of study as well as for the career advancement of the scholars in question. That is, those perspectives that are more broadly published are more likely to become those that are dominant, and those scholars who are more commonly cited may be more likely to experience more career success than those who are less cited. You have been assigned to discussion board groups featuring the names of BIPOC developmental psychologists who contributed significantly to the field of developmental psychology. You should focuses on one of these individuals (or on another BIPOC developmental psychologist of your choosing). You should identify the individual about whom you will write your report and find one published article written by that individual. You should then prepare a four-page paper that (a) describes the background of this individual (½ page) and (b) their primary contributions to the field of developmental psychology (½ page). Using your own words, you should also summarize the research paper written by this individual (approximately 2½ pages). You should answer at least some of the following questions: What question was asked in the research paper? What did the researcher hypothesize? What methods were used to address the primary research question? Did the findings support the hypothesis? What limitations and future directions were proposed in this paper? You should end your paper with (c) a brief discussion of the implications of the findings along with a call to action: What can you and other psychology students do to give appropriate recognition to the work conducted by BIPOC scholars (½ page)? Papers must be formatted according to the guidelines specified in the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and include three to four pages of content not including the title page and reference list (you need not include an abstract in this assignment).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

BIPOC Psychologists: Francis Cecil Sumner
Background information
The title of "Father of Black Psychology" is often given to Francis Cecil Sumner. In 1920, he made history by becoming the first African American to get a doctorate in psychology. After finishing primary school, Sumner taught himself and completed his college education at the age of 15, where he eventually became the class valedictorian (American Psychological Association, 2022). During his academic career, Sumner was educated in various fields, including philosophy, English, modern languages, Greek, Latin, and psychology. During World War 1, Sumner was called up to serve in the military and was forced to put his PhD studies on hold. After he had finished serving in the military, Sumner worked on completing his dissertation, which was titled "Psychoanalysis of Freud and Adler" (American Psychological Association, 2022).
Sumner’s Contributions to Psychology
It was important to him to gain knowledge of racial prejudice and to advocate for educational equity. As a result, "race psychology"—the study of how to recognize and remove racial discrimination in the administration of justice—was his primary area of concentration in psychology (American Psychological Association, 2022). He intended to challenge the prevalent Eurocentric approaches to psychology during his day. Sumner was critical of how the educational system handled African Americans. His beliefs were consistent with those of W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington (Weber, 2018). Within the university's framework, Sumner believed that the psychology department ought to be autonomous from both the school of philosophy and the school of education. Aside from “race psychology,” Sumner also researched color and vision, as well as the psychology of religion. His work, "The Mental Hygiene of Religion," was presented during the International Congress of Religious Psychology (Weber, 2018). In the world of academics, he was one of the very first to contribute to the disciplines of psychology, religion, and the administration of justice all at the same time.
Research paper summary
In his work, “Psychoanalysis of Freud and Adler or sex-determinism and character formation," Francis Cecil Sumner discusses sex determinism and the concept of character formation. Every person has a dual nature, one that is masculine and one that is feminine; they are mental, if not bodily, pseudohermaphrodites. There is always one dominant sexuality and one recessive sexuality in a bisexual ensemble. It is because of this dominating sexuality, whether masculine or feminine, that is more noticeable in uniqueness. It is also why common vernacular speaks of a person as male or female without considering the more profound complexity of human nature. In his paper, Sumner argues that there is no such thing as an absolute male or female but only approximates and that people are dual, both exhibiting feminine and masculine characteristics (Sumner, 1922).
Applying the Mendelian principle to the phylogeny of the sexes demonstrates the two sexes evolved from a common ancestor and provides a plausible explanation for the existence of heterologous secondary and tertiary sex characteristics in hermaphrodites, regular humans, or pseudohermaphrodites (Sumner, 1922). The investigation of hermaphrodites in their own right throws into sharp focus the existence of heterologous sex characteristics that are combined. Similarly, it proves that every individual is hermaphrodite-like in that they are not exclusively male or female but a mixture of the two, with one being more dominant than the other. Because of this, even if a person is not a true hermaphrodite, they are all considered bisexual and pseudohermaphrodite in scientific terms (Sumner, 1922).
The reproductive instinct is responsible for developing the two sexes and masculine and feminine urges between the two sexes. The male impulse is the "will to power," which means to battle, subjugate, make the most of oneself, and be a man; the emotions accompanyi...
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