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Psychoanalytic School Of Thought

Essay Instructions:

This assignment will assess your understanding of the psychoanalytic school of thought. You will explain the major concepts of this school of thought and provide examples that show the influence of psychoanalysis in real life.

Write a 2- to 3-page informational essay incorporating the following:
Choose a theorist from the psychoanalytic school of thought.
Discuss the major concepts proposed by this theorist, and how these concepts relate to the development of psychological thought processes.
Provide examples in current events that illustrate the continued influence of the major concepts proposed in this school of thought on real life.

Your assignment should be a 2- to 3-page informational essay, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:

Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.
Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.
The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose that is clearly established and sustained. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure).
Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate.
Reference page: Any sources listed in APA format.
Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.
Use standard 1" margins on all sides.
Use APA formatting and citation style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychoanalytic School Of Thought and the Influence of the Major Concepts Proposed In This School Of Thought on Real Life
Student Full Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Full Title
Instructor Full Name
Due Date
Psychoanalytic School Of Thought and the Influence of the Major Concepts Proposed In This School Of Thought on Real Life
The psychoanalytic school of thought was founded by Sigmund Freud and emphasized the influence of the unconscious mind on behavior. It asserts that personality disorders can be investigated and treated by making conscious, unconscious thoughts and motivations. The psychoanalytic school of thought is founded on the belief that repressed emotions and experiences influence one’s thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. It is only by uncovering these experiences that a cathartic experience from psychological distress can be achieved, over and above, a better understanding of the person’s current state of mind (Bornstein, 2011). Moreover, the school of thought hypothesizes that emotional and psychological problems like anxiety and depression are typically founded in conflicts between the conscious and unconscious mind. Personality development is primarily affected by early childhood events, and people often use defense mechanisms to protect themselves from distressing information contained in the unconscious.
Freud postulated that the mind is composed of three elements: the id, the ego, and the superego. He believed that the three systems of the human psyche developed at different stages in a person's life. The Freud psychoanalytic theory asserts that the id is the nascent and instinctual part of the mind containing hidden memories and both aggressive and sexual drives. Conversely, the superego acts as the moral conscience. The ego is the realistic part of the brain and reconciles the cravings of the id and the superego. Freud believed that each part of the human psyche contained unique features that contributed to an individual's behavior and that they all interacted to form a whole (De Sousa, 2011). The id is the spontaneous and unconscious part of one's psyche that reacts instantly to primal urges, desires, and needs: a newborn baby's personality is all id, and only later does the ego and superego develop. Because the id does not interact with the outside world, it continues to be juve...
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