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Clinical Evaluation of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Essay Instructions:

This unit, psychopathology, is intended to develop your understanding of abnormal behaviour. This assignment will help you to develop a deeper understanding of the diagnostic criteria used to define psychopathology. Through the application of standard diagnostic criteria, you will develop a better understanding of the strengths and limitations of such classification systems. You will also have an opportunity to develop, apply, and demonstrate a degree of diagnostic reasoning, and consider this process itself (e.g., How is a diagnosis arrived at? What steps are involved? Can this process be modelled, and if so, what are the benefits?). In this assignment you are encouraged to consider the boundaries between various conditions, and what makes various diagnostic entities distinct. You can take a deep dive into fundamental questions, including the boundaries between normal and abnormal behavior; how diagnoses are reached, and the wider implications of the diagnostic process.

In this assignment you will write a case report that describes your appraisal of a hypothetical “client”. The relevant history is available on the PYB306 website. You should identify a provisional diagnosis for this person.
You will need to demonstrate your diagnostic reasoning. You need to explain which (if any) diagnosis fits the person’s description, and how you arrived at your conclusion. What other diagnoses did you consider but then reject, and why did you consider and then reject each of the competing diagnoses? To do this assignment you will need to use DSM-defined diagnoses. You are strongly encouraged to access the DSM directly (note that your textbook covers the DSM as well). You should also refer to the paper by Nurcombe and Fitzhenry-Coor to complete this assignment. This is because you need to apply a diagnostic reasoning model to the case materials to identify the best-fitting DSM-defined diagnosis. You have scope to present arguments that utilise the wider literature about many issues and you will need to do this. Consider bringing in this wider literature in relation to issues such as the diagnostic process, the person’s treatment and prognosis, and the disorders themselves. Make sure you look at the notes for tutorial 7 as early as possible when completing this assignment, and again before you submit. Check the PYB306 website for some starting references, and have fun with this assignment!
The due date and word limit for your assignment is shown in your Unit Guide. The criterion referenced assessment (CRA) sheet for this assignment is available on the PYB306 website. Read the CRA sheet early on in your assignment planning, and as you near the end of this process use it as a checklist against which you selfassess your work. You can structure the assignment using the headings in the CRA sheet, or as you see fit for your assignment. As the CRA shows, most of the marks are allocated to diagnostic reasoning (50%) and this section should about half of your assignment. A smaller allocation (30%) is given for you to address future considerations (such as what the evidence says will happen for the person, and if there is an effective treatment).
There are six tutorials devoted to support your learning for this assignment. These tutorials will explore the concepts and techniques that are relevant for this report, many of which are also covered in lectures. Use these classes to test out your ideas and get feedback on your approach to your assignment. Use your Tutorial Guide to take notes and support your learning, including if you miss a class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

PYB306 Case Analysis
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Assignment Due Date
1 Abstract
Clinical evaluation is an important aspect for health care professionals. This decision is a necessary condition for diagnosis and the basis for safe and effective patient treatment. However, the overall rate of diagnostic errors is unacceptably high. Many methods have been used in more than 40 years of research, but a standard diagnostic decision method has not yet been developed. In this case analysis, Nathan is likely to have a generalized anxiety disorder or GAD. Compared with other anxiety disorders, GAD is more likely to have pronounced anxiety states leading to maladjustment. The prospective treatment recommendation for Nathan may include a combination of antidepressants, psychotherapy, and the use of Pregabalin. In addition, a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, sufficient physical activity, meditative techniques, and control of emotional reactions are also important. The predictors of GAD prognosis also include the state of family relationships, the presence of comorbid disorders, and gender. 
Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.Abstract PAGEREF _Toc82461775 \h 22.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc82461776 \h 43.DMS-5 Differential Diagnoses PAGEREF _Toc82461777 \h 54.Provisional Diagnosis PAGEREF _Toc82461778 \h 65.Treatment Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc82461779 \h 96.Prognosis PAGEREF _Toc82461780 \h 117.Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc82461781 \h 118.References PAGEREF _Toc82461782 \h 13
PYB306 Case Analysis
2 Introduction
Healthcare providers and patients rely on precise diagnostic procedures to identify the disease and the appropriate treatment plan. Achieving high diagnostic accuracy meets the company’s legal, financial, and security objectives. Research suggested that knowledge and experience are sufficient to improve physicians’ diagnostic ability, but more efforts are needed to achieve cutting-edge research in advanced reasoning and decision-making. Many clinic appointments require a large amount of data for diagnosis. For example, Nathan’s brief medical history is sufficient to diagnose generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). A thorough review of other diagnostic options is impractical and often unnecessary. This type of rationality uses the intuitive nature of the brain to compare the psychological pattern of GAD symptoms. The brain makes this comparison based on previous encounters and information, a process that cannot be manipulated or controlled by conscious thought.
The usual difficult-to-catch cases dominate routine clinical practice, although doctors also face complex cases that do not follow previously known methods. To explain this, physicians have taken a more conscious approach to analytical thinking or reasoning. As a result, clinicians must seek their knowledge and memory banks and use external sources of information to make a diagnosis. This paper aims to investigate this evidence-based approach based on the provisional diagnosis of a patient and set forth recommendations as they arise from the evidence gleaned from existing literature.
3 DMS-5 Differential Diagnoses
Within a few seconds of contacting the patient, the physician begins a shortlist of possible diagnoses. The number of these hypotheses has been reduced and tested to obtain a definitive diagnosis that must be adequate and clear (Nurcombe & Fitzhenry-Coor, 1987). The final diagnosis should explain most symptoms and follow the patient’s medical work, presentation, and demographics. In addition, there must be a reasonable agreement between the patient’s clinical features and the clinical images in his head.
The DSM-5 handbook of differential diagnosis is a unique checker for physicians and students learning about psychiatric diagnoses (APA, 2013). The guide offers a wide range of concepts, various diagnostic methods, and many features designed to assist physicians in the examination room. Given Nathan’s situation, we use a diagnostic guide. Many parts of the manual (such as the six-step overview) can be helpful. The six-step plan for diagnosing a patient is to find out if the symptoms are real and finally draw the line between normal and disturbances (APA, 2013). The intermediate stages exclude health conditions and economic reasons. The summary helps in diagnosing primary diseases and distinguishes corrective disorders from other mental illnesses.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) was isolated from the heterogeneous group of “anxiety neurosis” relatively recently, in 1980, and first appeared in the American DSM-III classification (APA, 2013). Like other anxiety disorders, GAD is classified as an anxiety-depressive or affective spectrum disorder (Crocq, 2017). The presence of a single spectrum is justified by the results of numerous clinical and biological studies
In this case, Nathan’s suggested symptoms can easily be associated with the symptoms of other diseases related to his diagnosis. Therefore, a different diagnosis is needed. DSM-5 provides comprehensive outcome measures to facilitate the differential diagnosis process and eliminate the obvious immediate consequences of these symptoms.
According to the American Psychiatric Association, differential diagnoses of GAD include depression, other anxiety disorders, brain tumors, stroke, partial epilepsy, and general medical conditions, such as hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism pheochromocytoma, hypoglycaemia, and Cushing’s syndrome (APA, 2013).
The primary manifestation of generalized anxiety disorder is the presence of primary anxiety, which manifests itself in the form of constant tension, apprehension, alertness, inadequate anxiety, and concern for various reasons, for example, possible delays, quality of work performed, somatic malaise, child safety, and financial problems (Munir et al., 2017). The bodily manifestations of prolonged anxiety are varied and include muscle tension, symptoms of autonomic lability, including dry mouth, weakness, tachycardia, sweating, palpitations, and nausea. All possible signs reflecting autonomic activation are presented in the ICD-10 criteria.
In the DSM-5 project, cognitive and other somatic symptoms, such as fatigue and sleep disturbances, were also excluded from the GAD criteria as non-specific for this disorder. Thus, in addition to the criterion of anxiety and nervousness, only muscle tension, considered the most characteristic symptom, was attributed to the specific signs of GAD in this project (Wiglusz et al., 2019). However, the behavioral features added to the DSM-5, particularly avoidance of situations, environment, conversations, and other factors that exacerbate anxiety, bring the criteria for GAD closer to those for stress disorder.
4 Provisional Diagnosis
Nathan’s medical history and symptoms suggest that he may have a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It is a state of excessive anxiety, uncontrollable and often irrational, frightening expectations of actions or events (Fuladi et al., 2020). This unfounded fear often affects daily functioning. People with GAD have destructive properties and are more concerned about everyday work problems, family problems, death, money, and health problems. These people often experience various physical symptoms, such as tremors, sweating, headaches, restlessness, and fatigue.
For the correct diagnosis of GAD, the above symptoms must last for at least six months (Nurcombe & Fitzhenry-Coor, 1987). It is appropriate to be afraid to warn a person of actual dangers or dangers. It lets people know they are in trouble because of fear until action is taken to eliminate the threat (Wheaton & Kaiser, 2021). However, the physical condition of some people puts them at risk for long-term, non-threatening anxiety. No matter how vague the perceived danger is, these people are worried about everything.
GAD can cause significant disturbance and pain and affect daily life (Remes et al., 2018). Such a condition may relate to Nathan’s situation. For example, when he attended his first medical evaluation meeting, he was stiff, shaking his legs. When asked by a doctor, Nathan admitted that the tremor was uncontrollable and usually occurred when he felt uncomfortable or nervous. He also described “living in fear” as a child. Nathan explained that he was “scared” and had difficulty expressing his emotions in addition to frustration and anxiety. People with GAD always have feelings of anxiety and depression. The only emotions they know are anger and depression (Havranek et al., 2017). As the doctor said when Nathan started treatment, his face was very flat.
As mentioned above, GAD can interfere with a person’s daily activities and performance. The condition explains Nathan’s current unemployment situation. Nathan explained that adjustment problems have always been problematic in his social circle, work, and different groups. He attributed these feelings to his volatile and short career path. He has lost many jobs, been unemployed for the last four years, and lives on benefits. Nathan was not only unemployed but also expressed problems in his relationship. He recalled their previous short-term relationship, which ended a few year...
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