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PSY/220 Prenatal and Postpartum Scenario Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

Prenatal and Postpartum Scenario

Assume the role of a developmental psychologist that has been asked to provide advice to a 6-month pregnant woman and a postpartum woman.

Prepare a 350- to 700-word memo in which you address the following items:

Provide each woman with a daily activity list consisting of three to five activities that you believe will positively affect her infant’s future development. If necessary, provide a time frame within the lists.

Provide an explanation of why you selected each activity and how it can contribute to the prenatal, postpartum, and future development of each woman’s child. Be sure that your explanation is based on developmental theory.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Prenatal and Postpartum Scenario
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
SUBJECT: Prenatal and Postpartum Scenario
The development of a child greatly depends on the initiative that the mothers take while pregnant and after giving birth. Before birth, various activities should be done, for instance, taking the recommended diet and preparing for proper care of the child. Besides, postpartum care involves nurturing the behavior of the child for proper development. Therefore, every mother must take into consideration the activities that lead to better psychological growth.
Prenatal Care
The mother should do a glucose test to check on gestational diabetes, which is vital for the growth of the child. The latter is done by taking a can of glucose after one week, and a test is done to check if it fits for better development of the fetus. Besides, while taking food, a mother should ensure that the diet is balanced and all types of food including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and others are mixed. The best options entail lean meat, tofu, black beans, spinach, beetroots, sweet corn, and oranges that can be taken regularly to assist the mother in managing a healthy pregnancy. Besides, since during late pregnancy there is the tendency of iron deficiency, a lot of food rich in iron should be consumed. Unpleasant symptoms may also be experienced when a mother hits six months of pregnancy that require regular massage. The activity should be done every week to eliminate problems, such as backache, heartburn, and sore feet that may be detrimental in the development of a child — the massage assists in the maintenance of the fitness of the mother, which also helps in the progress of the cognitive ability of the fetus.
To avoid stress during pregnancy, the mother should also engage in activities that release emotional thoughts. For instance, the parent should have enough sleep, not less than 8 hours a day to offer the opportunity for relaxation besides having frequent exercise during morning and evening ho...
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