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Perception & Perceptual Thinking. Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

requirement: These statements should have a clear main idea and then draw upon

the readings and lectures to support an argument or point of view. The statements should be

well written, clear, logically organized, appropriately cited, and free from spelling and

grammatical errors. Students should not use chat-speak, abbreviations, or other informal

forms of writing.


Visit an environment for a period of time, and record your observations (e.g., town center, school campus, restaurant). Take note of what your senses pick up. What do you see, hear, smell, touch, and/or taste? Draw from this week's material to frame, discuss, and explain your observations. How does your perceptual processing allow you to make sense of your surroundings? Are there distinctions you can make between the raw sensory input and your perceptual interpretation of the scene? How is attention facilitating your perception? Describe how your attention moves around the scene and what is guiding those attentional shifts. Indicate when you are choosing to selectively attend to a specific portion of the scene and when your attention grabbed by a particular element. Distinguish between those aspects of your perception and attention that can be characterized as bottom up from those that can be characterized as top down.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Perceptual thinking allows people to connect with the environment through the interpretation of the sensory information. Having made close observations at the restaurants, I noted that food flavors are a component that initiates taste and other sensory information. Consequently, smell affects both perceptual and raw input properties. Understanding these processes provides an insight into what the customers consider when determining food choices.
Sensory organs such as ears and eyes contain receptor cells that receive and process sensory information from the environment. According to Prescott, (2015), the process determines the variance that exists between raw sensory input and perceptual thinking. The raw sensory input of the food flavors and smells was high at the restaurant, and this reflected on the food choices made by the customers. The clie...
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