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Psc 101: Introduction To American Politics, Psychology

Essay Instructions:

Provide thorough and cogent answers to the five questions posed below. Your answers should be well-organized, coherent, and clearly address the required material in the question. Analysis and strength of argument will be an important part of the grading process: I want to see how well you understand and assess the subject matter.Make sure that the position you take and the argument you make are strongly supported by logical analysis, facts, and examples/citations from the readings. You are not permitted to consult outside sources. Concentrate only on the assigned readings from class.

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1 From your readings, explain the following concepts: liberal pacifism, liberal imperialism, and liberal internationalism.
Liberal Pacifism: Schumpter considers the relations between capitalism and democracy to be the foundations of peace in across the world. His work on “Sociology of Imperialisms” provides a coherent and sustainable argument to his idea of capitalism and democracy to peace. In capitalism, he suggests that the population is involved in production and is not involved in war activities. Schumpter suggests that under democratic capitalism there is peace and asserts that only those who are in power profits from war.
Liberal Imperialism: we all love freedom and like to avoid oppression, either case people or states want more for themselves than only material welfare. Therefore, due to several pressures from different factors we desire freedom and to avoid being oppressed in the society.
Liberal Internationalism: it emphasizes on international progress through state cooperation, diplomacy and support of political structures. Those states that are capable need to help those that lack the capabilities to enhance international development across the world.
2 From your readings, explain the six principles of Political Realism.
* Like the society, politics is governed by objective laws with their roots in human nature.
* Interest defined in terms of power is the guideline to international politics. This principle implies that nations secure their interests through power.
* Interest defined in terms of power is dynamic. The interests of a nation are not static, they are in a continuous change both in nature and scope due to political and social changes.
* Moral politics are not applicable to politics. The nation cannot sacrifice its interest by following moral principles. This implies that politics is not about ethics and the function of a nation is to protect its interests.
* It does not identify the moral aspirations of a particular nation with those that runs the universe. Nations are concerned about securing their respective interests hence the moral laws that governs the universe are not applicable to them.
* There is a difference between political realism, other disciplines and theories based on the above five principles. This can be explained Morgenthau’s quote, “A political realist always thinks in terms of interest defined as power, as an economist thinks of interest defined as wealth; the lawyer, of the conformity of action with legal rules and the moralist, of the conformity ...
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