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Professional Ethics: Ethical Dilemmas of a Psychologist in the Movie "Mumford"

Essay Instructions:

Introduction: Week 7 Professional Ethics Project

WU RELEASE STATEMENT: The material submitted for this assignment may be screened by the student and/or the instructor for similarity of content by Canvas TurnitIn feature. The purpose of this feature is to help educate the student about the proper citation of borrowed content and to protect the student against plagiarism. The submitted material will be checked against academic databases, internet documents, and student papers from both Wilmington University and other institutions. The final draft of submitted material will become part of the Wilmington University database. The student may also voluntarily submit the material to the TurnitIn Global Reference Database, which helps to protect the originality of the student’s work across institutions. For more information about plagiarism and citation conventions, please reference Academic Integrity PolicyLinks to an external site.


For the final assignment, due in Week 7, you will write a 3-5 page essay on the topic of professional ethics. The project requires you to recognize the principles associated with a breach of ethics demonstrated through a form of media (Example: a movie, TV show, book, newspaper, magazine article, podcast, news, and/or feature stories). This assignment is designed to span a full block or semester class. It cannot be accomplished in one week, so plan ahead and begin immediately.

This is an assignment in which you will work to recognize and analyze ethical dilemmas.

Understanding ethics is a graduation competency at Wilmington University.

This assignment requires students to think about their growth and development in understanding ethics and seeing professions from multiple perspectives.


Write a 3-5 page essay describing an ethical dilemma for a person working in your desired profession, depicted in a form of media.


You might select a movie to discuss ethical dilemmas of a psychologist.

A newspaper article might be used to discuss ethical dilemmas faced by a counselor.

Or, a podcast discuss the ethical dilemmas of an attorney.

Writing the Paper:

Describe the ethical dilemma in which the real, or fictitious, professional(s) is/are involved.

Relate the questions below to the code of ethics of your chosen profession (see your Week 4 essay):

What actions did the person take?

Were those actions within the profession’s code of ethics? The code of ethics must be cited.

What actions could the person have taken to remain within the profession’s code of ethics? The code of ethics must be cited.

How can and does the profession respond to ethical misconduct among its membership? The code of ethics must be cited.

Using at least two theories presented in the textbook, explain how each theory would view the ethical dilemmas and the actions taken by the real, or fictitious, professional(s).

This essay should be 3-5 pages, double-spaced, have one-inch margins, and follow APA style formatting requirements (A title page, in-text citations, and a reference page should be included).

Submission Checklist

Listed below is a checklist that can be followed to insure that all of the necessary components for your Graduation Competency # 4 assignment are included.

Is the title page in accordance with APA style, as defined by APA Manual (7th Ed.)?

Does the media source that was used present an ethical dilemma for the chosen profession?

Have all 5 questions noted above been addressed within the essay?

Are the breaches of ethics analyzed through the lens of two ethical theories as presented in the textbook or other scholarly source included and cited in the essay?

Has the code of ethics presented in week 4 been cited in the essay?

Is the title page presented according to the APA Manual?

Are in-text citations presented according to APA style?

Is the reference page properly formatted according to APA style requirements?

For grading criteria please refer to the PHI 302 Final Assignment Rubric Download PHI 302 Final Assignment Rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 7 Professional Ethics Project
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Due Date
A person can be termed as a professional based on their educational attainment, training, skills, and specific knowledge he possesses to fulfill the requirements of a given task assigned to them. In a professional environment, ethics entails developing reasonable standards for deciding between wrong and right or badness and goodness based on a set of moral perspectives. Holding innocent people hostage, attending Neo-Nazi meetings, stealing, killing, blowing up buildings, and "drugging" humans; are all considered unethical, illegal, and bad things to do. However, these actions are well-established and entrenched in the contemporary film landscape. The main characters include both good and bad guys. The movies have typically involved people engaging in unprofessional and unethical conduct and getting away with it. This paper analyzes the movie Mumford to establish the ethical grounds and dilemmas that the main character demonstrates and then discusses how the film reflects ethical theories.
Summary of the Movie
In the movie "Mumford," the central character, Dr. Mumford, arrives in a small town where he adopts the psychologist role. His unconventional and sincere approach to therapy raises ethical questions within the community. As Dr. Mumford's practice grows, he encounters diverse patients, each grappling with their moral dilemmas and personal struggles (Kasdan, 1999). The film explores ethical considerations in therapy, including boundaries, trust, and the impact of a therapist's personal life on their professional conduct. Dr. Mumford's integrity and genuine care for his patients ultimately challenge preconceived notions about ethics in psychology, demonstrating the power of empathy and authenticity in healing.
Ethical Actions and Code of Ethics
In the movie "Mumford," the character Dr. Mumford embarks on a series of actions that raise ethical concerns within the context of the profession's code of ethics. Dr. Mumford establishes a practice that fosters romantic connections among singles in his town, which becomes a pivotal point of ethical transgressions. Firstly, he engages in a romantic relationship with one of his clients, violating the fundamental principle of maintaining professional boundaries. This breach of ethical conduct is particularly emphasized in the profession's ethical guidelines, where avoiding conflicts of interest and maintaining a therapeutic relationship is paramount.
Secondly, Dr. Mumford offers psychological services without the requisite qualifications, reflecting an infringement of the ethical code regarding Education and Training within the field of psychology. His actions put his clients at risk and demonstrated disregard for the profession's competence standards (Kasdan, 1999). Additionally, his indiscretion in sharing sensitive client information with unauthorized individuals signifies a lack of adherence to client privacy and confidentiality principles. These actions undermine the integrity of the profession's code of ethics and highlight the potential consequences of unethical conduct within psychology.
Ethical Alternatives and Code of Ethics
In the movie "Mumford," the character Dr. Mumford could have taken several actions to align his behavior with the profession's code of ethics. According to (American Psychological Association, 2021), psychologists should have strictly maintained professional boundaries and seek guidance and supervision from experienced colleagues to avoid such ethical violations. Additionally, Dr. Mumford should have pursued proper education and training in psychology, obtaining the necessary qualifications and licenses to provide psychological services legally and ethically. Transparency about his qualifications and limitations with clients was crucial. In dealing with concerns related to privacy and confidentiality, Dr. Mumford could have adhered to ethical principles by seeking informed consent from clients, ensuring the utmost protection of their privacy, and divulging confidential information solely by legal...
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