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Principles of Success Plan: Principles Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Principles of Success Plan: Principles

How will you use what you have learned about the psychology of success to accomplish the three goals you set in Assignment 1? Chapters 4-9 of the Webtext present information on the psychological concepts of selective attention, spaced repetition, habit formation, mindset, and grit. For Assignment 2, you will summarize each concept and explain how you have experienced each of these working in your life. In addition, you will choose one principle of success for each concept, and explain how you plan to apply that principle to meeting the personal or career goals you set for yourself in Assignment 1.

Assignment 2 should be five to seven (5-7) pages in length and should include the following:

Selective Attention

Summarize the concept of selective attention and explain how you have seen this concept in your own life in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences

Choose a principle of success related to selective attention and explain how you plan to put this principle into action to accomplish one of the goals you set in Assignment 1 in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences

Spaced Repetition (or The Spacing Effect).

Summarize the concept of spaced repetition and explain how you have seen this concept in your own life in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences

Choose a principle of success related to spaced repetition and explain how you plan to put this principle into action to accomplish on of the goals you set in Assignment 1 in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences

Habit Formation

Summarize the concept of habit formation and explain how you have seen this concept in your own life in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences

Choose a principle of success related to habit formation and explain how you plan to put this principle into action to accomplish on of the goals you set in Assignment 1 in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences


Summarize the concept of mindset and explain how you have seen this concept in your own life in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences

Choose a principle of success related to mindset and explain how you plan to put this principle into action to accomplish on of the goals you set in Assignment 1 in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences


Summarize the concept of grit and explain how you have seen this concept in your own life in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences

Choose a principle of success related to grit and explain how you plan to put this principle into action to accomplish on of the goals you set in Assignment 1 in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. [Use writing templates in the Webtext to make your cover page according to APA style guidelines.]

Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. [Use writing templates in the Webtext to make your in-text citations and automatically create your reference page according to APA style guidelines.]

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Determine psychological principles of success using major theories of learning, memory, cognition, consciousness, development, and social psychology.

Construct an applied working concept of self-regulation.

Identify and reflect on how personal responsibility for actions affects outcomes.

Use critical thinking skills to reflect on personal experiences related to success, failure, and strategies for personal growth.

Use technology and information resources to support learning issues in success psychology.

Write clearly and concisely about psychological success using proper writing mechanics.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Principles of Success Plan: Principles
Due Date
Principles of Success Plan: Principles
Selective Attention
Selective attention is when you actively and intentionally tune out all irrelevant factors in your environment that do not align with your goals and objectives. In your environment, there are always competing factors for your attention which add little or nothing to your goals. Since these factors compete for your attention, they consume resources which would have been channeled to more important things. The principle of focus is closely related to selective attention. On your path to success, many factors and issues seemingly need your attention. Until you choose a clear focus, you are likely to spend a lot of time and resources on unimportant things which hurt your long-term objectives and goals. Focus on specific objectives and lock on them and then pursue them irrespective of the other distractions which may be on the way.
I plan to define my goals explicitly to describe my goals. I will then create distinct steps which I have to follow to realize that goal. I will also have a plan to deal with any distractions which seemingly hurt my prospects of achieving my goal. Over the course of chasing my goals, these steps will act as a roadmap, and since I will be reflecting on them frequently to check on my progress, I will be able to know when I have stalled on my goals or when I have deviated from the critical path towards achieving success. With selective attention principle in mind, they influence my decisions today. Today my decisions must agree with my long-term goal of running my own business five years after my graduation. I spend much less time on things which seemingly do not align with this primary goal.
Spaced Repetition (or The Spacing Effect)
The spacing effect is a proven approach towards learning and retaining more knowledge on a particular subject. The appropriate spacing of learning sessions is far more effective than single sessions where the subject is learned at once. The is partly due to the inherent nature of the brain to have a ceiling attention and absorption level and going beyond it in single sessions is likely to be counterproductive. Adopting a more gradual systemic approach to learning by stretching the content to be learned over a period is more effective in the long term than massing them altogether. Practice is closely related to the spacing effect. To acquire long-term knowledge is largely dependent on practice. Mastering concepts are not achieved overnight, but require repetition of the skill to become proficient at it.
Thus, for any skill I envision to achieve, I will have to dedicate more time and effort to do it until I master it continuously. That is why I will seek an internship opportunity in an organization that will help me grow my knowledge base in business and start learning about how I will run my business. I will allocate more time to learn a skill over a period until I become good at it. I want to perform well in my academics, and I understand last minute reading is ineffective. Hence, I apply this spacing effect principle. I also get to retain more information of the course if I read it throughout the semester and can remember more of it later than when I do last minute cramming.
Habit Formation
Habit formation is the process by which new behaviors become automatic CITATION Gar12 \l 1033 (Gardner, Lally, & Wardle, 2012). Interestingly, hard habits are easy to form, but healthy and progressive habits are hard and therefore require commitment especially in their early stages. It is usually hard to break old habits, and new habits are hard to form CITATION Eve04 \l 1033 (Everding, 2004). It is possible to form and maintain new habits. Having healthy habits helps achieve long-term goals which may have a positive impact on your life. For example, commitment to going to the gym every day of the week helps your body to remain in the best condition and such a habit is important to your long-term health goals. When it becomes a habit, it becomes easier each day to change into your gym gear and head to the gym.
Habit formation is closely related to the principle of persistence. Every master has endured a fair share of failures and lack of motivation before mastering whatever...
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