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Substance Abuse/Use Prevention Planning Essay. Psychology.

Essay Instructions:

Substance Abuse/Use Prevention Planning Essay

This is the 2nd part to this assignment. The previous assignment is attached, but I requested that you do this assignment since you did the first one and so that it can continue on from the “1st assignment”. 
Prevention Plan and Evaluation
Plan: Planning is pivotal to prevention success. Planning will increase the effectiveness of prevention efforts—by focusing energy, ensuring that staff and other stakeholders are working toward the same goals, and providing the means for assessing and adjusting programmatic direction, as needed. If done carefully, planning will also make future evaluation tasks much easier. Prevention practitioners at the state and jurisdiction levels engage in these planning activities:

1st paragraph: Prioritizing risk and protective factors:

o Establish criteria for prioritizing risk and protective factors associated with the identified priority problems, focusing on their importance and changeability (this should have been briefly touched on in the “1st assignment” (attached for reference, I believe it is in the 4th paragraph), but it needs to have a more formed conclusion of what the prevention priorities will be based on your assessment, which then should lead to your decisions about your prevention program). 

2nd paragraph: Evidence Based Prevention Program: 

o Locate and describe a Researched-effective (evidence based) prevention program to meet the identified needs in the Abilene, Texas community.

o Explain how this program meets the needs (risk and protective factors) in the Abilene, Texas community (there may be some info from the “1st assignment”).

o If you are adapting the program to fit the community needs discuss those changes and how will you maintain the core competency of this program.

o How does this program address the gap in the community rather than just reinventing the wheel? 

3rd paragraph:

o Address how this prevention program adheres to the community’s readiness discussed in the “1st assignment”. 

o How will need to be rolled out in your community?


4th paragraph:

o Develop a logic model that links the consumption patterns and consequences of the priority problems, associated risk and protective factors, evidence-based strategies, and anticipated prevention outcomes of this program. ***The actual logical model chart will be in the appendices, but briefly talk about how you will evaluate your program. 

5th paragraph:

o Show how you will adhere to sustainability and cultural competency in your program. Good planning is also crucial to sustainability. It ensures the involvement and commitment of stakeholders beyond the initial funding period, establishes the organization structure necessary to maintain program activities over time, and greatly increases the likelihood that expected outcomes will be achieved. Whether planning happens within a formal coalition or among a more informal group of partners, decisions must reflect the ideas and input of diverse groups and individuals. 


o Essay should be 3 full pages in length, typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins and 12-pitch font. 
o APA format; this includes in text citations, title and reference page.


o Typed logic model and references are required identifying and acknowledging the resources used to complete this assignment. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Prevention Project 2
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Due Date
Prevention Project 2
Substance Abuse (Opioid) in the Abilene community has taken over the youth in particular, causing overwhelming experiences in the community's undertakings. The rates of unemployment and unproductivity are increased because the youth are the dependable part of the community's stability. Crime has taken over; healthy living has reduced to short life due to overdoses and unhealthy diet. For the involved parents, child neglect rates have risen, increasing the magnitude of street life. The youth have lacked control over drug use. Initiating campaign projects would comprehensively involve the youth in rehabilitating the situation and prevent the further spread of drug abuse and its consequences. The Abilene community's most affected part is the youth, so in evaluating strategies that benefit the community against substance use, the campaigns must include youth participation. Adults who have less knowledge of the mechanism of handling substance abuse are significantly different from the youth's understanding (American Addiction Centers, 2019). Hence, the youth are more involved, making it easier for the group to define solutions significantly more than adults.
The community needs a plan covering all the community groups, from children, the youth, and adults. Having an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is vital in preventing substance abuse in the Tailor community. From the method initially started in assisting the reduction of substance use rates by organizations both governmental and private, EAP is a program that acts in the same aspect. The program focuses on serving employees and their families. It is formed through the combination of efforts from businesses and organizations. The employees being parents and qualified youth working for specific companies and businesses, the benefits target employees and the entire families. It not only sorts drug abuse and substance use. The program establishes a platform that will enable Taylor county members to have a comprehensive issue covered. Drug abuse is a social issue in the community; the program would be effective as small businesses can get insurance and adopt the program; moreover, it is easier for the planning program to work through the overwhelming social issue. The Employee Assistance Program works better if the employees have mental and social problems (SAMHSA, 2020). Tailor community is not exceptional.
The Abilene community has shown interest in preventing the effects of drug abuse in the county. The course's readiness has created organizations and institutions to help the community members; the program would benefit. The EAP planning involves organizations, institutions, and businesses' participation in helping employees and their families. The community depends on the working class to cover for the needs of their families (Employees). The majority of the organizations in the community prioritize the well-being of their workers. When the employees are covered extensively, the families are too supported. EAP is a drug-free workplace program; the families' pillars are the parents, who also are the community's working class. The youth who have established a stable working background is also included in the program as employees; then, children are covered by parents' registration. Employee Assistance Program promotes protection against drug abuse through its primary goal of having a drug-free community and building an environment with dependable employees. Considering the program's implementation would significantly be the course changer in substance use among the Abilene community members in Taylor County.
The consumption rates are high from the healt...
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