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Prenatal Development Reflection: Where Does Life Begin?

Essay Instructions:



The purpose of this Prenatal Development Reflection Essay Assignment is to increase your knowledge of prenatal development and to reflect on a question that is considered somewhat controversial: “When does life begin?”


1. Locate the article “When do human beings begin? Scientific myths and scientific facts,” by Dianne Irving (found in the Jerry Falwell Library and the Resources section) and download a PDF copy of it.You can read it online or save a copy to your computer.

2. Read the article, and identify two arguments for the position which states that life begins at conception, and identify two arguments for the position which states that life begins at a later point in development.

3. Write a brief essay (500-800 words) reflecting on what you have learned. Identify which argument you believe has the greatest support from a scientific perspective. See the suggested outline provided below.

4. Please note that while this issue does have significant moral and spiritual implications, this essay should focus on the scientific arguments outlined in the assigned article.

Assignment Requirements:

1. Identify your sources! Current APA guidelines require that a citation be used to identify any/all sources of information that are not considered common knowledge.

2. Do not include direct quotes; instead, paraphrase information about your chosen theory. Remember that your source must be identified with a citation even if you rewrite the information in your own words.

3. Your Prenatal Development Reflection Essay Assignment must include the following:

 A current APA-formatted title page.

 2–3 pages of text (at least 500, but not more than 800 words).

 Use current APA guidelines to include level-one headings to identify each paragraph/section of your essay.

 A current APA-formatted reference page.

4. Please edit your work to stay within the assignment parameters. Stay on topic, and write in a clear manner.


1) In your first paragraph explain present the issue and explain why it is important to the study of prenatal development.

PSYC 210

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2) In your second paragraph briefly describe at least two arguments that support the idea that human life begins at conception.

3) In your third paragraph briefly describe at least two arguments that support the idea that human life begins later in development

4) In your final paragraph, summarize and reflect on which position you believe has the most support from a scientific perspective. Explain why you believe this is the strongest argument.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Prenatal Development Reflection: Where Does Life Begin?
Institutional Affiliation
Prenatal Development Reflection: Where Does Life Begin?
Scientific inquiries about when human life begins are critical to the study of prenatal development and to resolve central philosophical questions challenging human embryo research such as stem cell science, human cloning, abortion, the medical applications of abortifacients, and the formation of human chimeras (Irvin, 1999). The question allows humankind to share the excitement to understand what happens before birth, which is an area better appreciated by human embryologists. Despite remarkable developments in science, humankind has historically been startled with the question of life before birth, which has remained a secret since the times of Hippocrates (Kurjak & Tripalo, 2004). Human embryologists are mainly concerned with the idea that newborns are capable of attaining full potential if they are free from harm as embryos or fetuses. Based on this idea, the fields of embryology, medicine, and biology have strived to describe the developmental milestones or prenatal development throughout gestation in striking detail (Miklavcic & Flaman, 2017). Therefore, the present issue about the genesis of human life is critical to the study of prenatal development, which is concerned with tracing human development from gametogenesis and conception till birth.
Life begins at conception
Life begins at conception as human sperms and oocytes are only products derived through gametogenesis and contain 23 chromosomes, which are only half the number required to develop into full living humans. Secondly, these cells produce gamete-specific enzymes and proteins and are incapable of regulating their growth and development processes. The cells may only be capable of progressing into full humans following fertilization to form a zygote, which is a single organism with 46 chromosomes, the number specified for every member of the human beings. If these chromosomes are less or more, then there are chances that abnormal growth development will ensure, such as Down’s syndrome (Irvin, 1999). These chromosomes contain the genetic fingerprints from two parental cells that direct the synthesis of proteins and the uniqueness of a new, whole, and living human. From fertilization,...
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