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Predictor of Emotional Intelligence

Essay Instructions:

Is there a relationship between the Big five personality traits (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Openness) and Emotional Intelligence
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Predictor of Emotional Intelligence
Florida Institute of Technology
            The study was carried out at Yale University in New Haven, measuring emotional quotient and personality characteristics. The Big Five Inventory and the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale were utilized. A total of 100student advisors of 50 males and 50 females participated in the study as a sample. The sample population ranged in age 25 to 40 years. The sampling technique utilized was convenience sampling. Before the study was carried out, participants were asked for their consent to carry out the study.
A demographic sheet was used to record the participants’ biographic information. The variables recorded included age, gender, and education.
      Five variables were used to measure emotional intelligence. The variables were Openness, extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. Using the BF inventory, the traits are divided into facets. human behavior was measured using five domains: psychopathology, social attitudes, cognitive abilities, personality, and psychological interests. (Larsen, 2017) The general strategies were measured using factor and regression analysis. The strategies were Religion, Goal Pursuit, Affiliation, Mental Control, and passive and active leisure.
      The test was measured using a Gratitude scale, which measured to what degree the respondents agreed or disagreed with a statement. For example, I see myself as a talkative person; the response strongly disagrees, disagrees, slightly disagrees, or be neutral if the respondent disagrees with the statement (Janek Musek, 2017). Using the seven-point Likert scale, this is then measured at a range of 1-7, where strongly disagree and strongly agree 7. Two items were reverse phrased in the scale that is 3 and 6. This would aid in identifying any bias by
the respondents. A GQ-test was then created for the phrased items and the total tally for the six items. The test wielded scores ranging from 6-42. The GQ-test is very reliable for measuring data on the student advisors involved in the study. (Feist et al., 2017)
      The output of the variables was then measured using the PANAS test (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule). This test uses ten positive and ten negative variables; it measures contexts such as today, week, year, averagely. It measures trait, state, and emotional fluctuations over time (Janek Musek, 2017). There are two types of emotional descriptor words; for example, negative descriptor words are arrogant and aloof. While positive descriptor words include inspired, flexible, accommodating, and Strong. For both positive and negative variables, the score ranges between 10 and 50. Lower scores indicate lower negative affect, while higher levels indicate high levels of positive affect (Janek Musek, 2017).
Participants were then asked to indicate how often they felt this way using an emotional descriptor. The information is then measured using a five-point Likert scale. Then using the average total positive effect was estimated. 
A G-Power software was used to determine the sample size with a small effect size of ρ = 0.3, and power of the test = 0.8 and α = 0.01. The study determined the sample size to be approximately 105. The researcher approached a convenient sample of 100 students, 50 males and 50 females aged 25 to 40 years. The researcher explained the purpose of the study to the respondents and then sough their consent by requiring them to sign a form confirming that they understood the purpose of the study and were willing to participate without any form of coercion. The researcher also informed them regarding the confidentiality of their responses and gave them the assurance that the information obtained will be used strictly for research purposes. The researcher then handed over to them the study questionnaire, which contained the demographic information, the gratitude test, and the PANAS test. After they completed filling in the questionnaire, the researcher thanked the participants for their cooperation and participation. The following regression model was utilized based on the literature review.
Y = β0+ β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + β5X5 + ε
X1 – Religion
X2 – Goal Pursuit
X3 – Affiliation
X4 – Mental Control
X5 – Passive and Active Leisure
Y – Dependent variable
β1, β2, β3, β4, and β5 = Coefficients to estimate
Cross-sectional studies helped in performing comparisons at a single point in time whereas the longitudinal studies helped in the conducting comparisons over a specific period. The best approach for the study was determined using the research question.
 Appendix A
Gratitude Quesitonnaire-6 (GQ-6)
Rate how much you agree with each of th...
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