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SMART Goals, Theories, and Skills for the Semester

Essay Instructions:

Part 1: Your goals (approx. 1/2 page) - Look back at the two goals you made at the start of the semester.

1. Evaluate them: Why were you successful reaching them? why not? and what do you need to do if you like to keep working on them, what would you change?

2. Create one new goal related to Organizational Behavior and make it SMART

Part 2: Theory (approx. 1/4 page) - Which theory, in the textbook or in an article, was the most inspiring for you this semester? A theory is not a topic but is regarding a topic. (For example: Conflict handling would be the topic and Thomas and Killmann’s conflict handling styles is a theory).

1. Describe the theory

2. Explain why you choose this one.

3. Be sure you use the right citations.

Part 3: Future skills (max 2 pages) We are living in a world that constantly changes. Organizations find ways to adapt to the changes and modify the ways they work, and not only through technology. One thing you see is that in many organizations people collaborate more cross functional, silos are coming down and people are more innovative with finding solutions to new challenges. Also in healthcare, the focus is more and more on how to help a patient more efficient through collaboration and information sharing, with as a result: better quality, in less time.

1. What do you think will be key professional skills for you in this changing environment, in the next 10 years, to be successful in your healthcare job? Describe the job and the skills, think about behavioral skills, not technical skills.

2. In what form do you think you will acquire those skills, think about learning in formal and informal education.

3. Gen-Z: how do you think your generation is going to make a difference in organizations? How is this different from other generations? For part 3, add at least one source, beside the textbook, to support your thoughts. Focus on organizational behavior.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Part 1: Goals
The first SMART goal that I created at the onset of the semester included graduating with better grades by attending all the classes, strictly adhering to provided instructions, and effectively managing time. I focused on learning critical time management skills since I had a significant problem in the area. I successfully reached the goal since I dedicated my energy to learning new skills in a class, effective consultation, timely completing my assignment, and attending the class sessions in time. I also embarked on the constant engagement of my colleagues to understand different concepts. I need continuous collaboration with the instructor and my peers to keep working on the goal. The aspect I would change is constant research and development. The second goal was effective communication. I had a communication target to improve my connection with other colleagues and peers. I successfully reached the goal by improving my communication skills such as effective listening, straight-talking, emotional control, and stress management. The aspect I would change to continue achieving the goal is improving the communication response rate and diversifying communication delivery. Lastly, the new goal related to organizational behavior that I would like to achieve is learning interpersonal skills. It is specific since it involves connecting with the members of the organization and measurable since it is easy to quantify new interpersonal skills. The goal is achievable and realistic since it consists in learning engaging other employees in the organization. Lastly, I will focus on time management to achieve the goal.
Part 2: Theory
The most critical theory that was the most aspiring during the semester is the Garbage Can theory. The garbage can is a theory that identifies an organization as a framework for problem-solving through different choices and providing effective solutions which would lead to organizational growth (Cohen et al., 2012). The theory also notes that choice opportunities, participants, answers, and problems flow out and into the organization. I chose the idea since it focuses on eliminating any possible organizational issues. Decision-making is vital for any organization's success since it describes contingent solutions to corporate problems. Therefore, I chose the theory to improve my decision-making skills. The approach will also allow me to apply the skills gained on problem-solving and decision-making to real-life applications such as contingent planning.
Part 3: Future Skills
Due to the constant changes in contemporary organizations, different professional skills will be necessary to remain relevant in the healthcare job as a physician. The skills include a strong work ethic and interpersonal skills to accommo...
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