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Past and Present Factors Behaviorism School of Thought

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is designed to help you think about the history of psychology as a progressive, continuous process. In this assignment, you will choose one school of thought ( Behaviorism School of Thought) and look at its influence throughout history and in modern-day psychology. You will research past and present factors and relate them back to the development of psychology as a science. Your assignment should be supported by at least two scholarly resources, including references to the readings and at least one outside resource obtained from the Purdue Global Library.
Write a 3- to 4-page informative essay incorporating the following:
Choose one school of thought and summarize its major concepts.
Based on this school of thought, provide an example that shows the continued influence of the history of psychology on modern-day psychology by:
Researching past and present factors (e.g., societal values, world events, life events of the theorist, advances in technology) and relating them to the development of psychology as a science. For example: How did the World Wars impact the development of behaviorism?
How is this school of thought still being used today?
How do these factors show the continued influence of the history of psychology on modern-day psychology?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Behaviorism School of Thought
Institutional affiliation
Behaviorism School of Thought
John Watson founded behaviorism as a recognized school of phycology in 1913. Behaviorism is a popular notion that emphasizes how learners learn; this theory says that behaviors are learned from the surroundings and that inherent factors slightly impact behavior (Dastpak et al., 2017). Behaviorism implies that all behavior can be explained by surroundings rather than by inner forces; thus, it focuses on visible behaviors. Additionally, behaviorism is a theory of learning built on the impression that all behaviors are attained via conditioning—this comes about by interaction with the surrounding. Behaviorists often believe that one's response to environmental inducements shapes their actions. There are three kinds of behaviorism, and the first one is methodological, which explains that behaviors ought to be studied minus association with mental states. The second type of behaviorism is psychological, which states that human behavior is illustrated based on external, physical spurs. Another form of behaviorism is analytical, or logical, which states that certain mindsets and beliefs result in certain behaviors (Dastpak et al., 2017). The objective of behavioristic teaching approaches is to influence an individual's environment to change his behavior. Ideally, clearly stated objectives often allow the student to focus on a single goal—hinting responses to behaviors always allow the learner to have predictable reactions under certain situations.
Both past and present factors have impacted behaviorism development. For instance, advancement in technology has conspicuously affected individuals' behaviors (Baum, 2017). Tech advancements have made learning fun and convenient; it has also heavily impacted society through global communication by bringing forth numerous electronic communication methods. Technology influences nudging one to contemplate and act in precise ways, from push alerts and reminders to ratings and prized programs. Gamification, information, and other mannerisms of psychological manipulation often influence one to make healthy choices. Consumers have been empowered by advanced technology. Their access to information is unlimited, and products and services are at their disposal anytime; they don't even need to avail themselves (Baum, 2017) physically. Social media, a platform that has escalated over time, gives consumers a bigger voice and networks of communicating with brands and sharing opinions. Besides positively influencing human behaviors, advanced technology comes with downsides as well. Tech dependence weakens self-awareness—more periods on technology equates to less time with own views and feelings (Baum, 2017). An increment in tech dependency results in children living in a state of psychopathy, alienated from their emotions, incapacitating self-awareness and self-analysis. They grow more responsive and less rational instead of thoug...
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