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Emotional, Psychological and Social Development through Different Context

Essay Instructions:

In this unit, you will explore developmental theories and the impact of context and culture in more detail. Consider the following scenario: 11-year-old Elena is excelling academically and obtaining A’s in all of her classes. She is working at an 8-th grade math level and is being assessed for the academically gifted program at school. She enjoys the academic side of school and strives to always do her best. Elena responds well to the challenging independent work activities her teacher provides for her, but has more difficulty when she is asked to work in groups as she tends to shy away and not talk much. Socially, Elena is experiencing some problems. Recently, Elena’s one close friend has found a new best friend and they now ignore or avoid Elena in school. Some of the kids in Elena’s class have started making fun of her for her wardrobe and hair style. After school Elena immediately goes home. Elena lives with her single mom and two younger brothers in a low-SES neighborhood. There is recent tension in the household as Elena is resentful in having to babysit her younger brothers after school before her mom comes home from work. This babysitting interferes with her studying, often making her study well into the night and even early morning hours to keep her grades up. Despite her academic successes at school, Elena is feeling lonely, sad, and anxious.
Please respond to the following:
As you have learned, children grow up in distinct contexts - unique combinations of personal and environmental circumstances that can result in different paths of change (Berk, 2021, p. 8). These contexts can include hereditary and biological factors and various environmental factors, such home, school, neighborhood, societal values, culture, and historical time period. In considering Elena’s situation, which contexts do you believe are influencing her development? Explain.
Which developmental theory do you believe best explains Elena’s situation and why? Is this the same theory you chose in the Unit 1 discussion as the theory that best describes child and adolescent development?
If you were to combine elements of developmental theories to explain Elena’s situation, which theories would you use? What are your thoughts on using theoretical eclecticism (where concepts, elements, or characteristics of different theories are combined) with your current developmental theories? Explain if you believe this is a good idea or not.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Contexts and Developmental Theories
Institutional Affiliation
Contexts and Developmental Theories
In considering Elena's situation, which contexts do you believe are influencing her development?
Helena's growth is influenced by her situation at home and school. She seems happy about her grades and must work harder at night and at dawn to keep scoring good grades. In school, she feels out of her place, making her rush home immediately after the classes. These two contexts are influencing her emotional, psychological and social development though in different contexts.
Which developmental theory do you believe best explains Elena's situation and why? Is this the same theory you chose in the Unit 1 discussion as the theory that best describes child and adolescent development?
The developments here are both social and emotional, where one must feel that they belong to a group. Erikson's psychosocial development theory explains the eight stages of development in an individual life (Lumen Learning & Overstreet, 2020). From the experiences of Helena, there are various concepts of her stage, like industry and inferiority, where she compared herself to her classmates. Her identity and role confusion arise as she gets...
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