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Aggression in Children: Effects on Education and Relationships

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Content

This paper is a developmental self-examination using course concepts with a goal of self-reflection and improvement. Choose 1-2 concepts of focus from this course and examine your own development within the context of these concepts. Show depth and insight in your analysis—push yourself to make connections and understand yourself better, and the implications for your future and present work with children, individuals, and families (whether or not you are choosing to purse a certificate in Family Life Education). You do not need to reveal anything too personal or address areas of your past that trouble you. If you experience a strong degree of psychological pain in considering how any particular developmental concept applies in your life, I encourage you to skip it in terms of the paper and visit with a trained professional. You will use the analysis to create plausible, specific, and developmentally sound plan for self-improvement related to your role as a FLE, or someone working professionally with families (this should be the conclusion of your paper).

Here is a potential plan for writing this paper: a) Reflect on the coursework and the readings. Consider: “How have I seen these concepts in my life?” b) When you identify 1-2 concepts that are important in your personal development, write out a definition of the specific concept then briefly write a story from your past that illustrates the concept. c) Analyze (within your writing) each of these stories using questions like: Why is this important to me? How has this affected who I am now? How does this connect to other developmental issues I am studying? Knowing what I now know about human development, How can I use what I am learning to improve myself for the future? d) Jot down a couple of specific ideas for self-improvement. If you take notes like this as you do your weekly study, you will essentially be building a draft of your paper.

To make a complete draft, you will need to make a selection of these notes and coalesce them into a coherent narrative. When you refer to specific concepts in your paper, be sure to include a proper citation for where you learned about them (e.g., the book, perhaps one of the journal articles you read, something “said” in a chat or on the discussion board).

To assist you in the development of this paper, I will give feedback on an initial draft of the paper. You will get full points for the initial draft simply by turning in a good-effort paper on time. The initial draft is limited to 8 pages. The final draft should incorporate the feedback given on the initial draft. The final draft of this paper is limited to 8-10 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Papers should be double-spaced, Times-New Roman/Arial/Calibri 11-12 point font, 1-inch margins all around. Please follow APA! Grading of writing assignments is in the context of the rubric posted in the courtroom.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Aggression in Children
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Aggression in Children
Aggression in children is a serious concern both for the student and for the safety of their peers and staff working with them. Although aggression manifests throughout the human lifecycle, it is more predominant in children, adolescents, and adults. Typically aggression preceded by all–age strategies causes various problems and issues in a child. Most children struggle to convey their emotions during their developmental years due to a lack of verbal skills, thus channeling them through the physical route. Children who lack strategies to regulate aggressive behavior tend to develop chronic aggressive and antisocial behavior in their formative years (Reebye, 2005). The evolution of aggression is traced back to the foundations of the home. If a child is exposed to stressful home environments, this may manifest to attention-seeking, such as quarreling, verbal abuse, or physical abuse. In other cases, children may also be witnessing aggressive behavior from their parents and project them towards their peers. This essay aims to discuss the effects of aggression in children's social relationships, education, and home life with other students.
Effects on Education
Exposure to aggressive behavior and tendencies is common in the school environment. Typically students who express rage and fury at the school disrupt the everyday running of the Institution, which affects academic progress and classroom behavior. According to McGaha-Garnett, 2013, there is a positive and significant correlation between aggression, poor academic performance, and inappropriate classroom behavior. Failure to tend to the emotionally sensitive and socially inept children in society contributes to aggressive behavior problems.
Although aggression in children is associated with high poverty levels, schools have the sole responsibility to correct the aggressive behaviors in children. However, children with explosive behaviors give teachers a hard time teaching and guiding the classroom. In this regard, exposure to violent classmates may hinder other students' concentration, compromising their academic potential. High levels of aggression in the school contribute to increased disruptive behaviors, such as poor academic performance, bunking of classes, chaos, and indiscipline.
Effects on Home Life and Social Relationships
Aggression in children may vary depending on the demographic and social context of the family. Children from low-income areas are likely to be predisposed to high aggressive environments are less likely to attend classes due to fear of attacks from their peers. In most cases, they become traumatized and cannot maintain friends in the classroom context (Bostock, Plumpton, and Pratt (2009). Trauma significantly contributes to functioning impairment and drives a child to develop poor socialization skills. Thus children studying in highly aggressive environments experience poor reading communication skills and exhibit lower mathematics and general knowledge abilities.
In furtherance, aggressive children may isolate themselves from their families and friends. These children may retreat into a shell to shield themselves from people and their world as a coping mechanism. Exposure to violent and aggressive behavior in the classroom may cause other students to drop out of school and become rebellious towards their parents. In effect, students can adopt this technique as an acceptable style of communication at home. In addition, students may perceive violence as a normal response. Champion (2009) posits that students who bully their peers often expect others to react negatively to slight provocation. As a result, there is a higher likelihood that these students will respond with violence in altercations, which cultivates problematic relationships. Transferring these beliefs and attitudes causes family feuds between siblings. Students with behavioral issues can be labeled as troublesome and get treated differently by the teachers and parents. Thus these students are harshly criticized and receive less emotional and social support than others. As a result, this emotional pain can lead to an emotional and behavioral disorde...
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