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Out for a Smoke

Essay Instructions:

At the beginning of this module is the assignment followed by the actual article to be read, Out for a Smoke. Read the article and then write a short summary of the article.

When you are writing your summary, you should start with an introduction to the research question itself. Then follow up with the hypothesis. (By the way, this might be an area where you use a direct quote. In fact, it is the only place in this summary where you might use a direct quote.) Be sure that you include information about the participants. Based on what you know about the participants are there limitations in terms to whom you can generalize the findings? Then you want to basically explain the actual experiment, in which you must include the independent variable (and the levels) and the dependent variable. Finish by stating if the hypothesis was confirmed or not and tell me how this research could be relevant to others, especially to college students!

Your essay does not need an abstract or a title page. If you do use a direct quote, be sure to add a citation in your essay for that quote. You need to provide the APA formatted reference for the article, Out for a Smoke, at the end of your essay. Be sure to double-space with 1” margins.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Response: Out for a Smoke
Your Name
Department of ABC, University – Whitewater
ABC 101: Course Name
Professor (or Dr.) Firstname Lastname
Article Response: Out for a Smoke
Cigarette craving impacts an individual’s cognitive function while triggering smoking behavior or causing relapse in those trying to quit the habit. The impact of craving on cognitive function has received little serious attention. Therefore, in the study, Sayette, Schooler, & Reichle (2010) as the question, “…what is the effect of craving on both the occurrence and awareness of mental lapses?” In answering the question, researchers sought to understand how cigarette cravings impact cognitive functions by causing zoning-out episodes. It was hypothesized that the more an individual experiences craving, the more likely they are to zone out in a task that requires cognitive function.
The study involved forty-four participants with similar traits like native-English-speaking, smoking habits, not currently diagnosed with any disease, literate, and between the ages 18 and 55. Additionally, the male and female participants reported having smoked at least fifteen cigarettes daily in the past twelve months. Before the experiment, the participants were required to avoid smoking for a minimum of six hours. Additionally, they abstained using alcohol as well as nicotine alternative products, and among other drugs 24 hours before arrival. Since both genders were involved and all participants were literate and fell between the broad age range, the participants can be generalized to the larger population.
An IBM-compatible computer and software were used to implement the experiment, with readers asked to read a section (chapters 1 – 5) of Toltoy’s War and Peace in a 2-hours experimental session. On arrival, participant smoking abstinence was measured through a CO sample (below 15 ppm). Participants...
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