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Four Principles Learned in Psychology

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, I want you to

identify four (4) principles you learned in this course; explain each one including any relevant research and relate it to your own life.

Your essay requires an introduction, discussion of the four examples, and a conclusion. All four of your examples should come from DIFFERENT categories of psychology.

Your essay should include a discussion of the general theme of personal relevance through clear and detailed discussions of each principle. Each principle should describe specific evidence (studies, theories, or the text). Use diverse, non-overlapping principles that represent different topics from the course and be sure to relate exactly how they prove relevant to your life with specific examples. The relevance may be personal or it may be in response to the social events of the times, but give me examples. It is not enough to say memory is important and I use it every day! That isn't a principle nor is it an example of relevance.

I’m attaching the rest of the directions and what she means by “principles” I also attached the topics you could choose from and also the book we used. If you need info out the book let me know of which and I can send screen shots.

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The four principles I have learned in this course are intermittent reinforcement, self-fulfilling prophecy, false memory, and the diathesis-stress model. Intermittent reinforcement refers to the delivery of a reward at seemingly random or irregular intervals. On the other hand, a self-fulfilling prophecy refers to the tendency of people’s expectations to influence their behavior. The concept of false memory refers to the psychological phenomenon where an individual recalls a past event considerably contrarily from how it occurred or even an occurrence that never transpired. Finally, the diathesis-stress model principle provides a plausible explanation of the origins or causes of mental health disorders. This essay will discuss the four principles in turn.
Unlike continuous reinforcement, where the subject is given a reward every time they demonstrate a desirable behaviour, intermittent reinforcement is a conditioning schedule where a reward is not given every time a subject exhibits or performs the desired behaviour. Studies have shown that intermittent reinforcement is more effective in reinforcing the desired behaviour than continuous reinforcement since the reinforcement is seemingly random and produces a positive and euphoric response in the brain. This principle relates to my life by developing healthy eating habits. I can use intermitted reinforcement to improve my nutrition by rewarding myself with a treat at irregular intermissions for every day I eat greens instead of junk food. Giving myself a treat at random intervals will produce a more robust and resistant reinforcement of healthy eating than continuous reinforcement.
A self-fulfilling prophecy is, at the start, a wrong perception of reality. Still, it evokes a new behaviour that makes the originally wrong conception a reality. The subject unconsciously adopts behaviours that make the originally wrong perception of reality come true. A self-fulfilling prophecy is a false expectation held by an individual that modif...
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