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Biological Clock and Eating Behaviors

Essay Instructions:

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4 citations

Share your thoughts about whether or not we can change our biological clocks? Include discussion on the role of biology on behaviors and mental processes. I believe that in some areas we can.

Can the brain impact eating behaviors? Explore the role of biology on behaviors and mental processes. I believe that the brain can impact eating behaviors. For example, eating disorders.

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Biological Clock and Eating Behaviors
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Biological Clock
The biological clock refers to the natural timings of organisms that dictate natural physical habits such as eating, sleeping, growing, and aging. The biological processes that occur within twenty-four hours of the day and night cycle are called circadian rhythms. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) located in the hypothalamus controls the circadian clock. It contains neurons that use a molecular process to keep time. When light hits the eyes, it activates signals and transmits information to the SCN to awaken the brain (Van Drunen & Eckel-Mahan, 2021). The SCN signals the release of hormones and regulates body temperature to trigger molecular clocks of cells and body systems.
The circadian rhythm responds typically to light and darkness, affecting sleeping and waking time. Other signals that affect our biological clocks include food intake, social interaction, environment, physical activity, and body temperature. Circadian rhythms repeated over time affect our biological clocks. Most cells, tissues, and organs contain biological clocks that influence biological processes. Over time, biological clocks are influenced by external stimuli and repeated habits.
Biological clocks regulate behavior, metabolism, and aging and play an essential role in our health. However, resetting biological clocks by adjusting behavior, diet, and lifestyle is possible. Changing the biological clock begins by resetting the circadian rhythm that runs for 24 hours. One of the ways to change the biological clock is to adjust the sleeping and waking routine. Sleeping and waking up at the same time daily resets the body's regular sleep schedule (Vetter, 2020). Melatonin supplements assist with falling asleep before the body adjusts to the new changes in time. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that activates sleep. Taking naps may interrupt the circadian rhythm making it harder to fall asleep at night.
Exercising also helps synchronize the circadian rhythm with the body processes during adjustment. Exercise promotes the production of melatonin, a sleeping hormone, leading to better sleep. It is possible to adjust to time interruptions due to jet lag or shift work through exercise. Exercising during specific times can advance or delay the body clock (Aoyama & Shibata, 2020). Working out close to less than two hours to bedtime delays the body clock while exercising in the morning or afternoon advances the biological clock. Exercise is, therefore, critical in changing human biological clocks.
Timed exposure to artificial light can change the biological clock by re-orienting the circadian rhythm. Light stimulates SCN to alert the brain and can therefore reset waking and sleeping times. Light therapy devices include sunlight or sunlight simulators, light boxes, and desk lamps. Avoiding exposure to artificial light during the night promotes faster sleep. Blue light from electronic devices and artificial light restricts the production of melatonin, thus disrupting the circadian rhythm.
Adjusting meal times is one of the ways to change biological clocks. Circadian rhythms influence when we eat, and when we eat may also affect the circadian rhythm. Meal timing may reinforce or throw the circadian clock off balance. Having regular meals may help to align and synchronize rhythms throughout the body. This way, the body automatically knows when to increase the production of digestive juices in anticipation of a meal. Irregular meal timings and late-night meals may confuse the natural body clock leading to a misalignment of the circadian rhythm (Queiroz et al., 2021). Maintaining regular meal times strengthens and synchronizes the biological clock, thus improving metabolism and sleep.
Eating Behaviors
The CNS plays a significant role in appetite control. Hypothalamus is part of the brain that influences human eating behavior. The arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus has two pairs of antagonistic nerves that affect appetite. The agouti-related protein (AGRP) and neuropeptide Y(NPY) are orexinergic neurons that limit energy expenditure and increase appetite. Anorexinergic neurons include pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) an...
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