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Neo-Freudian Theories: Adler's Birth Order Theory

Essay Instructions:

Discuss Neo-Freudian theories and concepts of personality in relation to a scenario-based situation.

Introductory paragraph: As you learned from your readings and discussions, there are many theories used to study and explore personality development. In this assignment you will have the opportunity to apply Adlerian personality theories and concepts to a real-world situation.

This Assignment will measure your understanding of several Adlerian personality theories.

This week you will complete a 2-3-page expository paper exploring the role of Adler’s Birth Order theory, relating it to a scenario. Then you will discuss an Adlerian concept to show how it is present in the given scenario.

Scenario: A seven-year old male child has been brought to your office due to acting out in the home. The child is disobeying, having temper tantrums, and hitting his siblings. The family has recently adopted two female children who are 4 and 10 years old. Complete an essay addressing the following elements:

Summarize the scenario, focusing on the 7-year-old child.

Explain the child and the situation relating it to Adler’s concept of birth order.
Describe an Adlerian concept and discuss how it may be impacting the situation (e.g. inferiority complex, superiority complex, aggression, social interest).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Neo-Freudian Theories Discussion
Student Name
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Due Date
Neo-Freudian Theories Discussion
Explain the child and the situation relating it to Adler’s concept of birth order.
Adler’s theory of birth order applies in the scenario as a fundamental aspect of family structure that influences a child’s behavior and personality. For example, the concept suggests that first-borns are more traditionalist, authoritative, and have leadership skills; the middle-born attempts to compete with their siblings, whereas the last born is loved and pampered by family members, making them face challenges in becoming more independent (Sultan & Malik, 2020). As noted in the scenario, the 7-year-old child started misbehaving after the family adopted two female children. According to birth order theory, it can be deduced that the 7-year-old feels entitled to his parents’ love, attention, and affection. In this context, the presence of the newly adopted siblings intimidates him because they share the parents’ attention. As the only child in the family, the 7-year-old had the privilege of enjoying parental attention and affection. The child feels that the newly-adopted siblings’ presence has threatened his probability of achievement and privilege. As the only first-born child, the birth order concept indicates that the child is likely to have behavior problems and lower need to be associated with others (Valkov, 2018). Therefore, the child is spoiled and overprotective, evidenced in his disobedience, violence against his sibling, and throwing temper tantrums.
Describe an Adlerian concept and discuss how it may be impacting the situation (e.g., inferiority complex, superiority complex, aggression, social interest).
Adler’s concept of inferiority complex can be used to explain 7-year-old aggressive and violent behavior. The new family structure created a strong feeling of inferiority as the 7-year-old had solely enjoyed parental affection, love, and care. The shift from the only and first-born child to a middle child created an inferiority complex as the 7-year-old...
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